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Total Realism Overhaul


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about quest markers - I think that good solutin would be keeping world map (maybe replace it with less accurate hand-drawn version?) but without player position marker, compas etc.


Other ideas for "total realism"

1) Longer game pace:

- lower time scale (longer dayes and nights)

- less skill-exp. per activity (it would take you 10 sword swings instead of 1 to get 1xp point)

- slower traveling (march by default, running will consume stamina, slow walking harder to detect (?))

2) Harder game:

- harder traps (also campfires dealing damage)

- harder diesieses (or more of them with whole of spectrum of hardeness)

- low fall and jumping would consume stamina

- no pause when lockipicking

- harder sneak on high levels (no more being invisible 2 meters in front of guard)

- much much darker nights and dungeons, but make sure NPCs would be affected too

- sex and race modificator for attitude (better/worse prices, harder to persuade, easier to intimidate for ork etc.)

- possibility to die from own fireball

3) Money:

- you can't get ebony armour in city shop - no matter of your level

- only common items, spells etc. in most shops (better spells in academy and some dungeons, dwemer artifacts in Markhart etc.)

- periodicly paid mercenaries (but leveling mercenaries)

- more fast travel guys (I would say in every hold and town)

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Looks like you seem to have peaked everyones interest with this one :wink:


With that said I love immersion and realism and will congratulate you, thank you and enjoy whatever you manage to accomplish out of the enormous amount of suggestions you have here.


I do have a few suggestions that may be in here already but I have a hard time staying off of Skyrim and could only read up to page 10.


I do believe someone mentioned blood spatter and bathing, well if you do end up adding this why not add the neccesity to bath after a given amount of time based on exertion. The consequence would be the same as with the blood spatter but would also affect your sneaking and render it useless. If you run around for a week killing people, animals and dragons and sneak into my house, even if i can't see you, I will smell you.


I personaly would love it as realistic as possible like what iAmbrosius mentioned where the world would be brutal. If you intend to make it like that I would suggest adding the ability to snap bones and cut tendons, (if the engine allows for it), using impact points on the body such as the center of limbs for bone breaker and the inside of joints for the tendon slash. The effects would be disarming and disabling the use of weapons for that arm and reducing your pace to walking for legs. This would give shields an actual use and a massive advantage and also would create the sense of becoming learned with a weapon and being able to take down your foe with less effort. Of course you could add something like that right from the start or make it a learned ability by adding it to the perk trees.


All in all I wish you luck in your project and i anxiously await it's arrival since it's the only mod that has peaked my interest.


P.S. Your bandits in glass armour don't exist, (that i've seen), but every thief that stops me seems to be wearing them.


P.S. yet again, Freduardo says he wants a bigger map, right? Well if you run across Skyrim it doesn't take a huge amount of time but in reality would you be running that distance in real life? If you set up the fatigue system that someone mentioned within the first 10 pages it would literaly make it impossible to run from one side of Skyrim to the other, essentially making it feel much bigger than it is. Add in things that can kill you and it would be less likely you'd be going cross-country on foot as often as vanilla. That carriage looks more and more tempting.


P.S.last one I promise. I remember seeing a sneak mod in Oblivion that was actually for NPC's where they would automatically go into sneak mode when alarmed and would literaly dissapear. If you gave the player the same perceptivness as the NPC's you would literally have to hunt your prey while it hunts you in return.

Edited by Toomit
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Im not sure if its been mentioned before as i havnt had time to read all 42 pages of responses, but an improvement to the ability to marry in the game would be to be able to have children with your spouse,

raise them, train them, disapline them, create your own clan etc


this could easily expand into further quest lines, anything from defend the honour of your partner to wife and child get kidnapped ,

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[*]deadly archery; having a piece of wood piercing your internal organs is not comfortable. Getting pierced by an arrow will slow you down. Getting shot by more than two should kill you.

[*]drastic difference between bow types; high end/long bows take much longer to draw, but offer far greater stopping power than lower tier/short bows

[*]?headshots lethal

[*]archery skill overhaul; archery skill to affect combat accuracy (less skilled you are more you "weave" with your aim)


I agree with all this...I can't tell you how many time's I've placed a perfect Kill shot through someones EYE SOCKET or Nasal Cavity the 2 weakest points on the Human Face, and even throat shots to some extent would be 1 shot kills but I'd consider them a 2 shot kill max... Yet all this seems to do is just piss them off and they charge me with Weapons Drawn. Seriously an Arrow through you Eye, and i can see the Arrow head sticking out the back of your head and he/she's "I'm Fine its but a Flesh wound"... unless you a Vampire or some kind of Boss / Immortal dude, your dead no if, and, or question about it, I understand why they don't one shot kill everyone because otherwise the bow would be to Overpowering and make the game a lot less challenging, but still Skilled Shots to the Throat, Eye socket, or Nasal Cavity should be instant deaths. Kinda irritating to Walk up to a dude I killed to find 4 arrows in his face...and Funny at the same time.


Oh and if your going for Realism then the Dredge who are imo Zombies...can only truly be killed by an Arrow through the head or Removal of the head. Just something to throw out there. If you could remove Limbs then I'd also suggest 2 limbs would be efficient amount of mobility loss to cause a Zombie to die after all its still a game and not all weapons can Remove the head. I wouldn't know if you can or can't remove Limbs because I'm a Bow guy, always have been and always will be.

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Ideas for More Realistic Combat: Blocking/Parrying


Without a shield equipped, having a static block animation with weapons does not make any realistic sense to me and breaks the flow and rhythm of combat. I know that the proposed dodges would make for a major upgrade. However, to be able to just hold down the block without having to time makes it the same boring mechanic that has been around for ages. I think if a parry is not possible, changing blocking so that the block goes up for a second or so and then comes back down, so it at least has to be timed.


I feel that a parry would make for a much more dynamic, realistic and fun experience, relying on skill (blocking skill) and timing. One idea is to use the stagger animations. If the parry is timed perfectly, the opponent staggers. If it is an effective parry, but not perfectly timed, than both parties slightly stagger. With a bad timed parry, character takes nearly full damage.


The main idea for me is to skillfully create openings for killing strikes, or leaving openings to be killed by a lethal strike/blow.


Any thoughts?

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I like the idea for timed blocks, but first have to see if there is a way to differentiate between an equipped shield or no shield. If there is a way to detect that with a script, then perhaps something can be done with it.


I think there is, because the blocking with a weapon is a different animation and is less effective, so there must be something along those lines (have 0 modding experience).


Some other observations/ideas on blocking/defending: I noticed that blocking with a torch is possible. So, for dual-wielding, maybe it is possible to block. If there is a separate button/key that can be assigned for it. Actually, having a seperate button for blocking with any one handed weapon would make sense. Then, a (hopefully) simple animation with the off hand to extend to emulation a push and a stagger if it is successfully connects? Again, having slight stagger and full stagger or some repercussion would make for wonderful variation and more natural combat. I know this is not a combat mod, but those things seem simple and would go a long way to re-writing the rhythm and pace of battle, where skills are necessary, but so is your skill in timing and intuition in combat.


Does any of that seem possible?

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Right, I haven't read through all of this yet, but before I forget, I definitely think that there should be mobility bonuses depending on the type of armour your character uses. Personally, I would rather my character wearing normal clothing, and would like at least some kind of bonus from this. Heavy armour reduces mobility, etc. I'd love to be able to hit a little bit faster, simply because I'm taking the risk of not wearing armour.


Also, is there anything you could do about dual wielding and sheathing? I'm sick of pulling a sword out of nowhere.


And how about the a time scaling mod, so you can adjust how quickly time goes by? Just giving my two cents.


Great read so far. :biggrin:

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