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Total Realism Overhaul


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Training could be improved. A LOT. Actually, it's a bit expansive and totally useless, you'd better enchant an item because it's far easier and it makes your skill level go nuts. (I'm at 33 enchanting skill level, I get +1 skill when enchanting a ring to make it +1% Magicka regen... a bit weird).
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Hi there :)

I really am looking foward to play with such a mod that will defntly make the game realistic and much more interesting , can i ask in how much time will it be available ?

im waiting anxiously for this :D

Edited by Fisken90
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It does sound great, in particular the immersion improvement focus. To that end, please consider these things which I would love to see. More difficult to code as you move down the list. Modify ideas as needed to enable implementation using the CC. Point one is the most critical to me. Taken together, these would really improve immersion, and thus add great replayability and strategy variations.


1. Decouple crafting from character experience, and call them professions. Doesn't make sense to be able to rise so quickly in order to make a few bucks to pay for a house. Then modify the learning curve so rate increase is based on variation and complexity, not unit production. I like the professions to make gold, but not spam experience. At low levels, professions cost a little money to advance in skill in terms of resale value, then they break even, then they start making you money.

2. The professional Cook: Make food associated with increasing regen rates (it takes time to digest food!). Health and Stamina Potions provide instant improvement, not regen, in order to clearly separate the two. Also, much fewer of them. Nothing ruins immersion quicker than downing enough food to choke an elephant in between axe swings.

3. Other professions would be virologist (make poisons), healer (instant health potions and cures for individual diseases incl. vampirism/lecanthropy at high levels (Might as well not have diseases now as they are far too easy to cure) Alchemist (all other potions) --note that health, stamina and magica potions are instantaneous (but decreased a little in strenght from vanilla), AND, only so many can be quafed per minute of gametime (as in Oblivion), while food affects only the regen rate over minutes or hours, with only one type (of a few food categories) able to be active at any time) (also, need to allow use of a few ingredients like dragon bones and troll fat to be used in the kitchen), bowyer/fletcher, armorer, weapons smith, enchanter, scribe (makes copies of books, including spellbooks), jeweler (remove from smithing), Necromancer (lifestealing potions, enchantments, summon 1 permanent (and fairly mindless) undead servant, and makes black soul gems by combining malachite, ebony and a flawless gem)

4. You talked about sleep - your natural regen rate should begin to drop without sleep, eventually overcoming any amount of food consumed. Should carry a bedroll. Wish random awakenings could be programmed...

5. All professions can be performed by all but max out at ~50%, and increase much more slowly (33% skill rate increase) as compared to a primary profession (100%) or secondary profession (66%) selection.

6. Create trainers.

7. Of course would want to create perk trees in a separate section.


All of this + 1. A great idea to balance immersion and enjoyment. A persons effective 'level', as in how tough they are and how famous/well known/hardcore, is not necessarily connected to their professional skill. Ysolda may be a skilled merchant but does that really mean she gets swamped by level 30 monsters whenever she leaves town? This would go a long way towards making a hero level up by being a hero. No making cheap bracers until one day he's made a nice full suit of ebony plate before he goes into Bleak Falls Barrow.


One thing I'd really like to see in a mod is moving the amazing Skyrim game away from being just 'The story of the Dovakiin' and more towards a true Skyrim sandbox. Who else remembers what 'Alternate Start By Ship' did for Oblivion?

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One thing I'd really like to see in a mod is moving the amazing Skyrim game away from being just 'The story of the Dovakiin' and more towards a true Skyrim sandbox. Who else remembers what 'Alternate Start By Ship' did for Oblivion?


It'll happen. There have been multiple alternate start mods for every game Beth has had their hands in since Morrowind. People are already sick of that damned wagon-ride, so it won't take long at all for someone to roll one out.

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+ the ability to get drunk/high. (skooma, mead, wine and ale are the only drinks I can remember anyway)


Bethesda seems to be shying away from this one in Skyrim. Alcohol and Skooma are pretty dull, it's true. Until someone comes up with a comprehensive drug mod, though, at the very least we can have a more interesting, craftable Skooma for the roleplayers: http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5902

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4. You talked about sleep - your natural regen rate should begin to drop without sleep, eventually overcoming any amount of food consumed. Should carry a bedroll. Wish random awakenings could be programmed...



Manshooter considers health regen to be a bug, it'll be totally gone in his mod. The only thing sleep will do is remove sleep deprivation, with no sort of healing... thank goodness.

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If you are still trying to figure out close quarters combat mechanics, the indie game "Mount and Blade Warband" has a fun combat system. You can get the demo for free on steam. PS: The basic game controls take a little getting used to however once you learn the quirks of the game, it becomes amazing. The combat is somewhat based on real physics, so if you hit someone with a sword but the sword isn't traveling very fast it won't do very much damage at all, however if you hit someone with a sledge hammer while riding on a horse at 30+ mph, it becomes a 1 hit kill. Although you obviously couldn't use everything from the game, it might help you guys get a few ideas on the combat system. (for example, because of how combat works in this game, numbers and position confer huge advantages, if you are alone and attacked by several guys at once, it will be a challenging fight. Likewise, if you flank your enemy, you will also have an advantage (not due to modifiers like in total war, but due to the fact that you can't defend against someone in front of you while also defending against someone behind you).
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You should break it up into varying degrees of "Difficulty". Not sure of the file structure as I haven't modded since Morrowind; even then it was adding a box to a building with items in it :tongue:


For me, I dislike:


Interface Changes

Removal of Fast Travel

and some of the others


But I like the idea of needing sleep, food, water, etc.


I mean it would suck to force potential users to deal with everything if they only want that "little bit harder". :happy:

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Lol the interface changes and removal of fast travel are the best parts...


And I was noticing removal of sneak indicator. As the game currently is, it seems to me that it is VERY easy to be detected even when you think you are completely out of sight. How do you manage this? >_>

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