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Total Realism Overhaul


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Would it be possible to take the player to a random *discovered* location? I mean, I'm assuming this mod removes fast travel, but you can do that and still have the game track places you've been, no? That doesn't solve the problem of if a player is in a quest area, but really, that's kind of their fault for getting wasted when they're in the middle of saving the world or whatever they're doing.
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It all sounds good, except for the sleep deprivation thing. As far as I am concerned no human being has efter died from sleep deprivation. I'd find it much better if the player would simple collapse and fall into sleep (well, wake up several hours later on the spot or something, I don't know) or something alike.


Keep this going, it will be great!

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Well in the Blackout quest with Sam Guevenne (Who turns out to be a deadra :blink: ) The player is moved from one indoor location (The Bannered Mare in Windhelm) to another indoor location (a temple), so I felt like it seemed feasible. *shrug*


The Daedra -Lord- Sanguine actually. Almost a god. Same one who gets you to turn all the guests at the Leyawin party naked with a spell during Oblivion ;)


In that case that is a -scripted- line that always takes you from that tavern to that specific temple. Random could break so many quests and what not.

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It all sounds good, except for the sleep deprivation thing. As far as I am concerned no human being has efter died from sleep deprivation. I'd find it much better if the player would simple collapse and fall into sleep (well, wake up several hours later on the spot or something, I don't know) or something alike.


Keep this going, it will be great!


Well, the system has player death in place as a definite deterrent from ignoring your character needs. Sure, TR - Basic Needs also has some pretty nasty penalties for not taking care of your character needs, but I decided to still leave that final stop-gap in place. Who knows, it might even create some interesting situations, where you are forced to desperately crawl to civilization, out of food and drink, before you go completely exhausted and collapse.


That said, it's very difficult to die from sleep deprivation if you are paying the least bit of attention. I recommend installing one of the camping gear mods to enable yourself to sleep virtually anywhere.

And of course, save early, save often and use multiple saves. TRO in general is not for the easy-going and it is entirely possible to get into situations which you cannot get out of.


Basic needs are practically done. I am prepping the files right now, should be up sometime later tonight. Of course, this being an untested (at least, not extensively) first release, do expect bugs - I did my best to weed them out, but you never know.

Edited by Mansh00ter
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It all sounds good, except for the sleep deprivation thing. As far as I am concerned no human being has efter died from sleep deprivation. I'd find it much better if the player would simple collapse and fall into sleep (well, wake up several hours later on the spot or something, I don't know) or something alike.


Keep this going, it will be great!


Actually you can die from sleep deprivation if something or somebody was forcing you to stay awake. I remember reading stories about this happening in Nazi concentration camps. But when it's self inflicted you're probably right, you'd pass out and sleep it off... [and get eaten by wolves ;)

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It all sounds good, except for the sleep deprivation thing. As far as I am concerned no human being has efter died from sleep deprivation.


The only recorded deaths from sleep deprivation have been victims of an extremely rare genetic condition called fatal familial insomnia, which is restricted a handful of families worldwide (we're talking real life, of course). For anyone else, it is impossible to die from lack of sleep, as you will inescapably fall into brief moments of unconsciousness, called microsleeps, during which the conscious brain shuts down for 30 seconds to several minutes.


I suppose the most practical and realistic way to represent this would simply by applying ever-increasing debuffs to the character's attributes and skills, while removing the possibility of dying from exhaustion. However, as another poster pointed out, it would also be perfectly reasonable to attribute such a death to bandits or wild animals coming upon the PC's comatose body.

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I would suggest instead of outright dieing from sleep deprivation that you instead go crazy. Hallucinate and have to fight off enemies that aren't really there. If you played fallout 3 you might remember one of the vaults which had a nerve gas that made you hallucinate, enemies would attack you and then once you began attacking them they would vanish. Something like this would be great especially if it selectively started, like you went into battle with four nords only it turns out there was really only one or two but you saw 4 because you haven't slept in days.
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This is just what i have been looking for!!


There are mods out there that do a lot of these but a 'realism mod' would be vital to keeping this game fun and hard


I have some ideas for Wounds, i have written a treatment for how i picture wounds to work (just a first draft):


Wounds In Skyrim


You are Dovakinn, Dragon born & Dragon Slayer, a mighty hero & warrior of reknown.


But you are still mortal.


What im proposing is a project that aims to give slightly longer term effects to battles, meaning you cannot run from fight to fight, you may need to rest a bit inbetween.


THIS IS A REALISM MOD, Aimed to work, enchance mods like Darwins Nightmare, Hypothermia, and other non godly mods.




Creates an additional system for healing.


What this system aims to do is create a cost to being hit hard by a rusty huge ancient draugh axe wielded by a muscled barbarian


In my mind, drinking a potion or healing yourself through magic is a major Immersion breaker.



- New Effects - creates a series of new effects that are caused By Sudden & powerful hits to health.


- New Apparel - Creates wearable bandages needed to prevent further damage, these replace Items of Armour to further weaken the Player.


- New POtions - Creates a few potions to delay death, slow bleed out etc. nothing too helpful.



Wound Levels


'Just a Scratch' - When health is reduced to under 75% By hit/Arrow/Fall/Trap


Effects: Damage resistance is lowered by 5/10%

Healed by: Time; 5mins, Potion; 'Salve' - USed on Scratches only,


'Wounded' - When heavily hit for the first time you become wounded If your health drops below 50 percent via a hit/fall/trap/Arrow


Effects: Weakening to one armed, archery, two handed, stats while injured. Damage resistance is lowered 10/15% & Attack speed lowered.


Healed by: Wearing A bandage: (at this stage it would replace your 'arm' Armour. Time taken to heal with bandage: 5/10mins.



'Seriously Wounded' - When heavily hit WHILE 'WOUNDED', you become seriously wounded If your health drops below 50 percent via a hit/fall/trap/Arrow


Effects: Weakening stam regen, health regen, Dam resistance, SLows speed. Slow Bleedout, Stealth skill lessened.


Healed by: wearing A bandage: (at this stage it would replace your Boots) Potion; Quick healer/Thick Blooded



'Savagely Wounded' - When heavily Hit WHILE SERIOUSLY WOUNDED, you become savagely wounded if your health falls below 50%.


Effects: MOst skills reduced, all regens reduced, Slows Speed, heavy Bleed out, Visual effects(Blurryness etc)




Healed by: Bandage: replaces Helm (does not heal like before only heavily reduces effects) You Must reduce this Wound to seriously wounded in order to fully heal


FActors for reducing wound: Food, Rest, Bandages, Alcohol, with a set amount of these your wound will return to serious, where you can then heal fully.




If your health falls below 50% when hit while savagely wounded you become fatally wounded.


Effects: drop to the ground, crawl around; savage bleed out, no real control of your body. more of a slow death animation.


HOWEVER: When you drop to this stage, there is a chance to activate Ability 'Blood Frenzy' This is basically a revenge Ability, it gives you godlike powers until end of combat, but! you WILL die, its not for cheating

but really because Dovakinn should never be beaten, even in death Dovakiin is the strongest, so this is more of a fun side to the mod.



Custom Effects: The PLayer can have any one of these at any one time


(EDIT: This ideally would be a small perk tree or something)


Quick Healer - Reduces Bandage time needed to heal wound

Thick blooded - Reduces Bleed out rate.

Thick Skinned - Increases Damage resistance WHile wounded

Animal Empathy - Creatures will defend you when heavily wounded

Death Rage - Almost Always Enter Blood Rage When fatally wounded


Custom Potions


Salve: Cure 'Just a scratch'


All of the above effects can be added to potions. rarer and hard to make or something.


Custom MEshes


Bandages: (One for each part of the body)


Thanks again



You should take a look at maybe combining some of the mods already out there to decrease the work load, with permission maybe,


but darwins nightmare does a lot of this, hypothermia does what it suggests, camp equipment is also out there. maybe you could colab with these to bring about a swift 'realism' mod.


Here are few more suggestions:


Weapon & armour decay/repair


I feel that the NPC's should be able to smith their weapons as well, ie Superior, fine, weapons, that way you can make them stronger but keep it lore friendly. & close to vanilla


The repair could be that legendary turns to epic, then all the way down back to its original form. so that you have to keep using ingots to sharpen & repair your armour,

You should carry a whetstone with you to repair your items, But armour needs an anvil


you should have to rent for time used in forges, no blacksmith would let you make stuff for free.


Blacksmiths could repair your weapons for a cost, or upgrade them for a cost. Degradation should be dependant on material, more hits for daedric, ebony & skyforge, then say iron or elven.


Also weapons also just 'break' sometimes, (this could be really annoying, but maybe it could work....might have some precursors to it.)


rather then take all loot 'as is' you could get parts. so you kill a bandit, and you gain 'leather & 2leather straps from his armour' a pelt from his hide boots, and some iron shards from his helmet. these you can combine back in a forge to make ingots etc. to then remake the armour. this would mean you would still loot lots from corpses, but wouldnt have to leave everything behind.

It also adds an element of luck to what you might get.


increase the wood chopping animation to more then three. - just preference.


Carts populating Skyrim, Bandit attacks on towns etc.


Better Guard AI, more interested in you when you act odd/sneaky.


People actually surrender, Maybe they drop or leave an item, like drop their sword.


Throwing weapons, -always bugged me that you cant throw a dagger, i mean why do i have 17 of them lol.


Upgradable Arrows, Use smithing to upgrade 25 arrows to 'fine' etc quality


Poison lasts for more hits, and on multiple arrows, -actually more like poisoning the arrows then bow.


When NPC's die, have new people move into the house, rename it to their house etc. just for immersion purposes, no point having an empty house.


Taking peoples crops should be theft.


Sorry to write such a long reply but this is litrally what i was going to attempt to do, so yeah. figure ill throw my 5cents in now lol




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Two final notes:) :


I was thinking about that, but ultimately it just needlesly complicated the whole process. Besides, I just learned that there is no way to make the game clock advance (damn CK Wiki should make it clearer when something is not applicable in Papyrus) from the script.

Drunk levels: Sober, Tipsy, Drunk, Roaring Drunk, Pass Out

Pass out is just what it says - you pass out, screen goes black, and you sleep for 8 hours.


First: If it is impossible to make the game clock advance how will passing out function. If it can be done by forcing the character to sleep then in theory clock advancing can be done by simply forcing sleep.


Secondly and maybe a future implementation in TRO Basic Needs: There is a correlation between drinking alcohol and becoming dehydrated because of the inhibition of anti-diuretic hormone in the brain. Is there going to be an in game correlation? So if you drink more alcohol your thirst level would actually lower.

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