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Total Realism Overhaul


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just had an idea on food. besides the fact that cooking it should increase its benefits, it still feels weird to eat 50 apples to regain full health. if we could mod it the way so that you can only eat a certain amount of food units before full, maybe also make food always regenerate health rather than instantly heal it. so for example eating one apple may only regenerate 2 hitpoints in 60 seconds, not even noticable. however taking those apples and making an apple pie would regenerate say 20 hitpoints in 60 seconds or other value that becomes a noticeable difference just to illustrate the point that cooking should have an incentive in this game, but also not act like a stimpack. :psyduck:


I plan on having food not regenerate health at all. If someone cuts you with a sword or burns you with a spell, a nice roast pig may make you feel better ;), but it sure isn't going to heal your cuts or burns. You will only be able to regain physical health through proper magic, potions (over time, not instant) and other healing methods. Sleeping won't help you much either. Eating food will have an impact on your available stamina, your hunger levels, while sleeping will have an impact on your stamina, available magicka etc. I may expand the whole system way beyond simple "basic needs" so that there is a whole bunch of factors which are influenced by how much you eat, sleep and drink. The idea is to make the whole basic needs system deeper and more dynamic, which helps fight the feeling of repetitiveness which inevitably sets in after a while. Eating, sleeping and drinking should ideally be more like a long-term minigame of sorts, than a chore.

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I hope u Can make it :P and if i can suggest something :P enchantment : if u enchant a sword with flame at least let it burn :D not just some red glowing stuff or hp drain driping blood from weapon ,or other "effect" that can improve the world maybe ?:/ maybe its selfish or just hope but suggesting something is not that bad ?:D i hope but realy love your idea of the gamechanges :) The other thing im missing is the custom made spells :D i liked it in oblivion , i know thats oblivion and this is skyrim but it would be fun with high "Talent" tree to mix spells with each other. well they need more magicka or something like that :D mabye im just saying some stupid stuff that im not familiar but there are things in oblivion that should be in skyrim too


I'd love to have a spellmaking system in Skyrim, but that's a bit beyond the scope of this mod, at least initially. Although you can mix up spells in Skyrim, just dual cast. They need more magicka too. ;)

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There are two three things which are the most jarring for me in terms of realism:


Food and drink


The way I would like to see this work is that you have a hidden attribute (call it Energy) which is set at maximum 100 points. You lose (say) 1 point of energy every 4 in game hours, and potentially faster if you are active (running, fighting etc). This way the current in hp gain from food (e.g. 1 point for an apple) can be converted to energy gain instead. At 100 energy points you have a 10% buff to maximum magicka/health/stamina. At 90 points it's 5%. At 80 points there is no buff. At 70 points there is a debuff, which increases the lower your energy goes. At 0 you die of starvation. You could also add buffs/debuffs to movement speed and magicka/health/stamina regen.


The buff/debuff could be displayed under the Active effects in your Powers menu.


Stabling of horses


I feel terrible every time I leave my poor horse standing in the cold and snow while I'm sleeping in a cosy inn.


Speaking to a stable NPC should allow you to leave your horse in his hands for a small fee (e.g. 5g). Perhaps the same dialogue option for innkeepers (who replies "I will send the stable lad to take care of your horse." which means no need to add an actual stable on the terrain).


When in the wilderness you should be able to put a nosebag and blanket on him or something. At their most simplest these could just be additional items in your inventory that you apply to your horse.


Without these options the horse may wander off or die.


Hot and cold


The third biggest immersion breaker for me is the cold. Riding around with bare arms while wearing plate armour seems a recipe for frostbite. And the same with plunging blithely through streams and not getting wet. It would be great to have an extra slot for a cloak, a stat for how well different clothing protects against cold, a flag for cold areas and a penalty if the cold protection is below a certain threshold when the flag is on.


Sorry I'm not a programmer or modder, so I have no idea how easy or hard any of this is to do, but it's stuff I'd like to see.


Looking forward to seeing the first iteration of whatever realism mods you come up with :)

Edited by CampanaAliquanta
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There are two three things which are the most jarring for me in terms of realism:


Food and drink


The way I would like to see this work is that you have a hidden attribute (call it Energy) which is set at maximum 100 points. You lose (say) 1 point of energy every 4 in game hours, and potentially faster if you are active (running, fighting etc). This way the current in game units of health gain from food can be converted to energy gain instead. At 100 energy points you have a 10% buff to maximum magicka/health/stamina. At 90 points it's 5%. At 80 points there is no buff. At 70 points there is a debuff, which increases the lower your energy goes. At 0 you die of starvation. You could also add buffs/debuffs to movement speed and magicka/health/stamina regen.


The buff/debuff could be displayed under the Active effects in your Powers menu.


Stabling of horses


I feel terrible every time I leave my poor horse standing in the cold and snow while I'm sleeping in a cosy inn.


Speaking to a stable NPC should allow you to leave your horse in his hands for a small fee (e.g. 5g). Perhaps the same dialogue option for innkeepers (who replies "I will send the stable lad to take care of your horse." which means no need to add an actual stable on the terrain).


When in the wilderness you should be able to put a nosebag and blanket on him or something. At their most simplest these could just be additional items in your inventory that you apply to your horse.


Without these options the horse may wander off or die.


Hot and cold


The third biggest immersion breaker for me is the cold. Riding around with bare arms while wearing plate armour seems a recipe for frostbite. And the same with plunging blithely through streams and not getting wet. It would be great to have an extra slot for a cloak, a stat for how well different clothing protects against cold, a flag for cold areas and a penalty if the cold protection is below a certain threshold when the flag is on.


Sorry I'm not a programmer or modder, so I have no idea how easy or hard any of this is to do, but it's stuff I'd like to see.


Looking forward to seeing the first iteration of whatever realism mods you come up with :)


Some absolutely brilliant thoughts here! I truly hope the OP reads this!

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I hope u Can make it :P and if i can suggest something :P enchantment : if u enchant a sword with flame at least let it burn :D not just some red glowing stuff or hp drain driping blood from weapon ,or other "effect" that can improve the world maybe ?:/ maybe its selfish or just hope but suggesting something is not that bad ?:D i hope but realy love your idea of the gamechanges :) The other thing im missing is the custom made spells :D i liked it in oblivion , i know thats oblivion and this is skyrim but it would be fun with high "Talent" tree to mix spells with each other. well they need more magicka or something like that :D mabye im just saying some stupid stuff that im not familiar but there are things in oblivion that should be in skyrim too



I'm not much of a modder (though I do plan on messing around with the creation kit when it comes out) but improved enchantment effects were modded into Oblivion, so I imagine that would be doable here as well. Though I have to say, this is turning into one hell of a big project...


Good luck Mansh00ter! I doubt I'll be much help, but I'll keep an eye out for the mod and give you as much useful feedback as possible.

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I'm new here, and I find very interesting the aim of the mod "Total Realism Overhaul", which I would like to know is if you have already completed or still in development, if completed, can be downloaded from somewhere?


thank you very much

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I'm new here, and I find very interesting the aim of the mod "Total Realism Overhaul", which I would like to know is if you have already completed or still in development, if completed, can be downloaded from somewhere?


thank you very much


Thanks for the enthusiastic interest, but since the Creations Set isn't out yet, 90% of the mod can't be done. Once the set is out, I expect to have the first alpha release of the mod within a week or so.


Currently doing some snooping around with TESSnip, but aside from some minor cosmetic changes there isn't much I can do right now.


Of note is that they left the flags for the dismemberment in, but the whole thing looks kinda gutted to me.




Thanks for the suggestions, I like the ones about taking care of your horse! As for heat and cold, I already have that planned, most of the stuff I have in mind is very similar to what you mentioned. Basic needs systems I have planned should also be extensive, going beyond "eat x times a day or die". What, how and when you eat, sleep and drink should in my opinion really affect the performance of your character, so expect the whole system to impact a lot of stuff.

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If you are going to make it realistic. REMOVE the friggin difficulty adjustment when you level up, as all that happens is enemies gaining hp/mp/sp buffs and inflicts more damage!


Even with your realism mod, if you reach lv50 or something, your damage won't be 'realistic' against enemies anymore because it will take you 50 hits with a sword to kill them!

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I might have an idea for a visual cue for mana usage.


Character is at 100% mana, blue particle effects fly around the arms and mana infusion (basically tribal tatoes representing magical symbols) on the arms light up with a blueish glow.


Character is at 50% mana, blue particle effects dim out, mana infusion tatoes still visible but don't give that much light


Character is at 0% mana, blue particle effects completly fade out, same goes for the tatoes, blueish glow fades out and tatoes become simple scarring (still representing magical symbols tho, only not charged) on the arms.


This could work for first person view if the upper arms are still visible, combine it with a sleevles shirt/robe/armor mod for mage items and it might work.


An example of the particle effects of the mana infusion could be something similar to the vindictus character Evie when wielding a staff and performing a power attack as seen below (I know it doesn't show clearly but can't seem to find a decent picture/movie)




Example of possible tribal look (there are many options).




For the scarring/tatoes something similar as the symbols used on the body of the dragon age 2 character named Fenris could do the trick (white glow on the back of the arms).




As for audio clues, a slight hum when charged or charging a spell and no sound or the sound of extinghuising a fire when the mana pool depletes or is empty.

Edited by PertiProfa
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As I see, realistic 'combat' with heavy armors and swords would last a while because swords wouldn't inflict a ton, axes would be deadly because they bend armors, and warhammers would be uber powerful if it lands.


When you want to do it like that, pretty much allow players to 'evade' by hitting the sprint button and a directional button ←↓→ to 'evade' the move by consuming stamina.


Then it turns into a battle of evading/blocking and attacking.


Unlike oblivion's deadly reflex which made it utterly difficult to pull off, it makes sense if the 'realism' makes it easier to maneuver in combat and especially more so when fighting against multiple opponents...


Would be cool if enemies can friendly fire their allies if they attack randomly in your direction... 2Handed weapons that can splash damage enemies is cool too!


Adding knockback to blunt weapons and half knockback effect to axes would be interesting... Because someone swings a hammer at you doesn't mean you still are standing there after taking the brunt of it.


If you block a warhammer, maybe causes your character to 'shuffle' backwards most of the time, and sometimes stagger?

Edited by dra6o0n
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