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Total Realism Overhaul


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Some ideas for the mod that may add to existing ideas:


- Stealth and reaction; Play the Thief series for ideas, if you haven't already...

- Walking is no longer an all-day window shopping stroll through the mall, but a well-paced I-will-get-there-in-good-time walk that is a happy medium between the stroll and the jog.

- I want to be able to throw things at people who ask 'What are you looking at?' and get a brawl or aww:( reaction. This means YOU, EMBRY -.- (guy in the first town after Helgen) with a realistic penalty. If he gets hurt bad, a fine, if he gets killed, jail time, if he gets a little hurt, the ability to talk your way out of it.

- The ability to scavenge around the woods for sticks, sticks can be used as weapons or tools, to make campfires, to pick your teeth, to hold things and a bunch of other stuff!

- Fishing, and not just standing in the stream and catching jumping 'ingredients' like salmon; Rod and reel!

- It would be nice if the AI could recognise if you've been in a town for any length of time.

- Expressions. Bethesda... people have them, you can study all about them in books. It irks me to be told in a fantasticly angry voice, that someone is pissed at me, only to confront a face any professional poker player would cash in his face muscles to have.

- Hand gestures. People have those too. It's not common to see anyone holding their hands at their sides while talking or standing about.

- Player body: (first person) Just to affirm my existance is not portrayed as a floaty camera. I'd like to see my feet.

- Prettier clothes! The fine clothes are just plain ugly on the women. The Victorian ages have some nice examples of cool clothes.

- better werewolf and vampire dynamics. It makes no sense to get weaker from drinking blood. I hate being a badass were and getting female-dog slapped by a giant only to go summersaulting 500ft in the air. It defeats the whole mythos behind both mythical creatures.

- Dehydration visibly causes pain and consequence, headache and body ache and is cured quickly after consuming liquids. If left unattended for over a day and a half, you take health damage, and you visually suffer for that time. Any longer than 2 days and you die.

- Hunger after a full day of not eating visually causes dizziness, and makes you weaker and less able to concentrate. If the player does not eat for a a\few days, they become unable to carry anything. If they do not find food after that, they are barely able to move, then they die.

- Sleeplessness causes; after 1 days of no sleep or 2 days of minimal, a drunken visual, with occasional micro-sleeps. After 2 days of no sleep, 3 of minimal, you start to see 'shadows' from the corner of the eyes and cannot concentrate. After 4 days, you pass out or have blackouts during non-intensive moments. At 5 days of no or minimal sleep, you drop where you are, in a non-intensive moment and sleep for however long is needed.

- Sleeping makes hunger and thirst happen at a slower rate.

- Hang overs, passing out from drinking, racial tolerances for booze, technicolour yawns (vomitting from drinking for everyone else), the 'champion' stage...

- Sicknesses and diseases make you sick not reduce the 'numbers' of your green, blue or red bars (which never vary in length)

- Horses that don't do a wheeling turn and fall off high places only to die horribly, causing the player to faceplant awkwardly into the side of a mountain, when you try to reverse them off some stairs.


Hopefully some of these descriptions of effects (though not totally accurate) help. Who hasn't been hungover and had dehydration?

Good luck to anyone attempting to achieve this

The dehydration thing reminds me... maybe if you haven't drank anything in an unusually long time maybe your voice becomes hoarse and you can't shout? Just thinkin out loud

Oh goodness, just realized how many pages this thing has grown since I last checked. I gotta get back here more often. Is the mod even out yet??

Edited by ShadowDragon333
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Hunger affects Health Regen (primary) and Stamina Regen (secondary)

Sleep affects Stamina Regen (primary) and Magicka Regen (secondary)

Thirst affects Magicka Regen (primary) and Health Regen (secondary)



Hrm didn't you say many times that you were going to completely eliminate health regen? I refer to the original post:



•remove health regeneration / magicka regeneration to be tied in with "basic needs" (more tired you are, less magicka you have and slower it regenerates)


•health can be restored only though magic, potions or other proper healing methods (sleeping or eating have no effect)





Also does using a bed still heal you like it does in vanilla?


Personally I see health regen as an inbuilt god mode cheat. I currently use the console command to set it to 0.7 so it's gone.


Yes, but not in the Basic Needs. TRO will be modular, and while plenty of people might like the added depth of having to eat, drink and sleep, not all of them would like removal of health regeneration. For that you will have to wait for the combat overhaul, which I will work on next. And yeah, basic needs penalties will be somewhat different for the TRO package, because they will integrate with other changes.

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If you take suggestions: Maybe make the map an inventory-held item. Losing it (when arrested for example) would mean having to buy a new map and having to mark all your special places all over again. It's also a nice way to keep different maps by buying new unmarked maps when I want to. This way, I could keep one map for ticking which towns I have robbed, one to mark where I have explored, one to mark where I hide my stashes etc. Maps could even increase in financial value when you mark places which are beneficial to thieves, adventurers, alchemists etc.
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Total Realism - Basic Needs is up for grabs!


Get it here and have fun!


Let me know if your character explodes. :P


Awesome! Been waiting for your mod since you first announced it.


Of course, in the hour that it gets released, there is some sort of file download error with the Nexus servers :P

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Glad you guys like it!


I will probably have an update in a few days, with nifty stuff like:


-Your Stomach Is No Longer A Bag Of Infinite Holding; each meal and drink you take fills it up and it takes time to digest.

-sound and visual cues as promised!

-Secondary Needs (optional, you will be able to enable/disable them ingame):

You need to wash on a regular basis too, or you start to smell and then people don't like you very much. Swimming anywhere will do it, but fighting, running, sprinting and especially stuff like cutting people's heads off will make you dirty. Fragrances available at select shops. Looks like custom shaders are easy to set up in the CK, so I'll include varying levels of actual, visual dirt on your character. Maybe even some flies if you opt to become the filthiest creature in Skyrim.

Body Functions
- he who eats has to... well, you know. Don't forget to bring some rags to clean yourself with! :P


Also let me know if there are any bugs you find with the current release of Basic Needs!

Edited by Mansh00ter
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