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Total Realism Overhaul


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Making the player walk everywhere would be a nice way of making horses actually useful, but if we wanted to be realistic, player could afford to buy a horse only after 20-30 or so hours of playing (horses are very expensive). It would be a pain to walk from one city to another.


I suggest that running (not sprinting, sprinting always drains stamina) would drain your stamina if you are wearing a heavy armor. Reasoning: plate armor is heavy and expensive and if you can afford to buy plate armor you can afford to buy a horse. I hate it that in every fantasy RPG everyone is running in plate armors while in reality they were extremely hard to make and expensive (expensive like small feudal village with fields around it and right to decide life/death of its inhabitants).


EDIT: Also, I remember that in New Vegas was this sweet mod that gave you a pack brahmin companion who served as your pack mule - not sure is there a proper model in Skyrim for that, but it would be nice to have a real pack mule instead of using Lydia as one.

Edited by tomislawus
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There's already a few mods that remedy that problem - they introduce horse saddlebags. ;)


Then the question is: can we have Lydia with saddlebags on her back? :D


I see what you did there... :laugh:


I think there's also a backpack mesh somewhere on SkyrimNexus with no real function to it.

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How about being able to craft more items?


For example workbenches in the world, as well as portable ones which allow you to make things out of miscellaneous materials such as cloth, furs, wood. You could build in game objects out of the raw materials, such as clothes from furs, cloths and leather strips, chests from wood and iron for the lock/key, tents from leather, perhaps even other work stations, the ability to build forges and smelters would be awesome, and give player the ability to settle their favorite location in Skyrim.


I think also many people feel (I know I myself do) that the game gets far too easy and boring after level 20+ mainly because you end up having too much loot, not enough traders with gold. I think that gold should be MUCH harder to attain, and that loot should be rarer, and traders will really push you for coin.

I think if it got to the point where you are desperately running around the wilderness chasing a goat because you NEED its meat to survive the cold night because you cant afford food from the nearby inn and you were chased out of the city for attempted theivery would give some seriously thrilling gameplay. A struggle for survival would give it a more believable edge to the world.

Also I think dragons should be a seriously dangerous thing. Like no chance alone below level 30. Dragons should be able to swoop down and one hit you unless you run, or take shelter in a cave until they are gone.



Right now I am actually working on a survival type mod which focuses on nutrition/hydration, warmth, shelter, and general wilderness survival in harsh northern ocean island conditions.

Is there any possibility that I could use parts of this mod for some of those aspects when its done? Full credit will be given.

Here is the link to the mod outline:


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Most of the things you mention will be in this overhaul. Instead of making separate mod, why don't you help Mansh00ter make this mod? Its a huge project and you sure could find your thing in it.


BTW Is Mansh00ter so busy coding or something else happened - he has been an awful quiet lately. Wild guess: Maybe he just really like Oreos and his mouth is constantly stuffed with them so he can't call for help and his keyboard is so full of crumbs that he can't type anymore and he just can't get up from the desk because he has to eat all the Oreos he has there and he has really a lot of them there... Well, it happened to me once so its possible...

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Hi everybody. I found this discussion months ago and I felt really excited by this project; then I lost it until today. I'm amazed by the feedback this idea is getting and can't wait to see it taking life. As my first post, I want to suggest something regarding the magic-armor interaction section, based on what it can be read in the first page list. It says that being hit by electricity based magic while wearing full plate isn't a good thing: let me remind you that this isn't true because an armor is some kind of Faraday cage so nothing happens to the carrier while inside it.

The other points of the list are simply amazing, but the one that stroke my imagination, basically because I was thinking the same thing, was the item weight system revamp. The list says that the aim for this change is to make the inventory management a gameplay mechanic. In the Deus Ex and Diablo franchises inventory is basically a grid and each item physically fills a certain number of basic units in this grid. This, according to me, would be a really great improvement because it would drag the players into a puzzle game each time they open their inventory in order to create the best arrangement for their objects to fit inside. Now, I'm not a programmer and I have absolutely no concern of the amount of work or the difficulties that such a proposal would take, so think of it simply as an idea from the outside.

I want to deliver you my compliments for your innovative ideas and to wish you good work.

Edited by Ulchishy
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I don't intend to use this mod before i finish the vanilla once, but just a question; why can't you fill your bottle/drink from a still water source like lake or something?


i plan to play the second time with this mod and "a humble start", that would work, right?


suggestion (read part of it somewhere): nights are darker, same goes for caves and stuff. but sneaking is also easier in the dark (not with a torch in one hand ofc)


influence of leveling shouldn't be feelable in combat that much (you strike a good hit with a sword at low level shouldnt be much weaker than high level, same goes for archery; low level should one hit on headshot etc... you get the idea)


maybe "crippling" legs; making you slower or lowering your max stamina significantly, same should go for enemies too.


the survival feeling would come up good with some easy changes:

-remove damage adding perks (or just once for 20% or something, but not as first perk)

-leveling up a bit easier, perks slighlty tweaked

-armor influence very big (heavy armor, good protection, big influence on stamina/sneak and all that and vice verca you get the point)

-you can die very fast, but so can your enemies (human, etc.)

i dont know if you get my point, which mainly is the perks thing, and "feeling" the survivle part (hunting for food, maybe waking at night with a torch, which by the way makes you very visible :D etc)

easier to get them overall, but no big difference from low to high level. f.e leveling up heavy armor doesnt allow you to take much more dmg but the influence on stamina is lower or something.

also you shouldnt have to craft unuseful things to level up just to make crafting itself useful (same for making weapons/repairing)



So this post is not just about, maybe for you meaningless suggestions, big big thumbs up for you and everyone who is aiding to improve this mod (project?), i really mean it.

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