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Total Realism Overhaul


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Boy, I wish we had something like this for all our uber-hardcore Skyrim needs:


(from a New Vegas mod "No Second Chances")


"This module restricts a player (that is you), from saving game anywhere you want to. Instead it lets you to choose one of the following save modes:


HOLY SMOKE - this mode is the easiest one. Your progress will be saved each time you smoke a day-saving cigarette, taking a drink in Prospector saloon, or taking a nap in owned or rented bed. This mode is recommended for most players.


NO PLACE LIKE HOME - in this mode you cannot smoke (alright, actually you can, but it has no effect), but taking a nap in owned or rented bed and drinking in Prospector saloon will still save your day.


DIE YOUNG is a first of two permanent death modes, which means you can't save at all, except when you exit the game. Each time you enter the menu dialogue with ESCAPE key, the game is saved, but the save becomes invalid once you return to game. The good news is that all your experience will be doubled in this mode, so maybe, who knows, you will even be able to complete the game some day.


And finally, TO LIVE IS TO DIE mode is just like the previous one, but with no good news. It's a pure permadeath mode, you're not supposed to actually hope to complete the game with this one active. Before choosing this, think about how much it is easier to die in Fallout then in NetHack."

Edited by tomislawus
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great great job so far.


I was just concerned about your damage sorting. It is much needed indeed! But I'd imagine that it'll make any other added content completely unbalanced/incompatible.

I'm thinking especially about all the new armors/weapons (yes some of them are actually balanced and nice additions to the game) and everything you can get through smithing (Crafting overhauls add so many recipes that should've been there from the beginning).


So yeah, I'm just curious about how you're gonna deal with compatibility.


No worries though, even if TRO is incompatible with 140% of the mods out there, I'd still download it and play uninstall all other mods. :)



Oh, last but not least: there are several "darker nights/dungeons" mods (and Realistic Lighting etc), but they all have the huge problem of having NPCs completely indifferent to lighting level. I mean, if I can't see a bandit, how can he see me? Lighting makes a HUGE difference gameplay-wise, adds a lot of realism, I hope you'll consider it.

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Boy, I wish we had something like this for all our uber-hardcore Skyrim needs:


(from a New Vegas mod "No Second Chances")


"This module restricts a player (that is you), from saving game anywhere you want to. Instead it lets you to choose one of the following save modes:


HOLY SMOKE - this mode is the easiest one. Your progress will be saved each time you smoke a day-saving cigarette, taking a drink in Prospector saloon, or taking a nap in owned or rented bed. This mode is recommended for most players.


NO PLACE LIKE HOME - in this mode you cannot smoke (alright, actually you can, but it has no effect), but taking a nap in owned or rented bed and drinking in Prospector saloon will still save your day.


DIE YOUNG is a first of two permanent death modes, which means you can't save at all, except when you exit the game. Each time you enter the menu dialogue with ESCAPE key, the game is saved, but the save becomes invalid once you return to game. The good news is that all your experience will be doubled in this mode, so maybe, who knows, you will even be able to complete the game some day.


And finally, TO LIVE IS TO DIE mode is just like the previous one, but with no good news. It's a pure permadeath mode, you're not supposed to actually hope to complete the game with this one active. Before choosing this, think about how much it is easier to die in Fallout then in NetHack."


Yes, oh god yes. :O

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great great job so far.


I was just concerned about your damage sorting. It is much needed indeed! But I'd imagine that it'll make any other added content completely unbalanced/incompatible.

I'm thinking especially about all the new armors/weapons (yes some of them are actually balanced and nice additions to the game) and everything you can get through smithing (Crafting overhauls add so many recipes that should've been there from the beginning).


So yeah, I'm just curious about how you're gonna deal with compatibility.


No worries though, even if TRO is incompatible with 140% of the mods out there, I'd still download it and play uninstall all other mods. :)



Oh, last but not least: there are several "darker nights/dungeons" mods (and Realistic Lighting etc), but they all have the huge problem of having NPCs completely indifferent to lighting level. I mean, if I can't see a bandit, how can he see me? Lighting makes a HUGE difference gameplay-wise, adds a lot of realism, I hope you'll consider it.


The way the damage script is written allows for custom armor and weapons to function just as vanilla items - as long as they have proper (vanilla) keywords assigned to them. The script reads these keywords and calculates combat damage based on that - it does not take into account the actual item stats, so weapon damage stats can be safely ignored (and in fact all weapon damage now reads 1 or 2 or so in the game). Just as in real life, if an armor looks heavy and thick, it probably is good at deflecting or absorbing blows. Also, if a sword is a big one, it will do more damage when you hit someone with it. There are differences when it comes to weapon material, but these are not exaggerated. So you can use your favorite iron sword and kill enemies pretty much as well as you would with a daedric equivalent.


The only instance where you would want a "special" weapon instead of a normal one is when fighting magical creatures (daedra, dragons, spirits, vampires and werewolves etc.), since those are now immune to normal weapons (just like in Morrowind).

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The only instance where you would want a "special" weapon instead of a normal one is when fighting magical creatures (daedra, dragons, spirits, vampires and werewolves etc.), since those are now immune to normal weapons (just like in Morrowind).


Whoa whoa whoa! Like immune immune? Don't you think that's a bit unreasonable? Can't remember how it was in Morrowind, but the only magical creatures that ever were mentioned not being harmed by conventional weapons are spirits, ghost etc.

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The only instance where you would want a "special" weapon instead of a normal one is when fighting magical creatures (daedra, dragons, spirits, vampires and werewolves etc.), since those are now immune to normal weapons (just like in Morrowind).


Whoa whoa whoa! Like immune immune? Don't you think that's a bit unreasonable? Can't remember how it was in Morrowind, but the only magical creatures that ever were mentioned not being harmed by conventional weapons are spirits, ghost etc.


Yeah, immune immune. Bash them all you want, but highly magical or powerful creatures will not succumb to a piece of ordinary metal. So, just like any other monster hunter worth his/her salt, you will have to carry a few special tools to deal with that. I just don't like how they squandered the vast potential with all the variety of monsters and creatures and yet all of them are basically the same - you kill an atronach the same way you kill a dragon or a troll or a vampire. You don't have to know what you're up against and you never have to prepare.


Well, no longer. Now if you are up against vampires, bring a higher tier (silver, echanted, daedric etc.) weapon or get killed. Fighting trolls? Better have a way of killing them *really* quickly, or bring fire along. Werewolves? Silver+ or magic, forget anything else. And so on. There is a section in the script dealing with enemy types, and my aim is to make various monsters and creatures in Skyrim distinctive from each other on a more than just a visual level.

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Don't forget dragons too... There's a reason why lore says only the Dovahkiin can kill dragons. I'm thinking of a damaging shout overhaul where only silver weapons, powerful magicks or shouts can even damage a dragon.


Of course. Dragons are the most powerful beings in Skyrim and you won't be able to take them down by punching them to death or getting them to wrestle with a bear. You will need high tier weapons (silver+) or magic to take them down. Oh yeah - giant's clubs won't do jack to them so now they can happily slaughter giants just like they should. Guards, predictably, only serve as a temporary distraction. There is ONE they fear, and that's you. Because you remembered to bring proper goddamn weaponry along. :P

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Don't forget dragons too... There's a reason why lore says only the Dovahkiin can kill dragons. I'm thinking of a damaging shout overhaul where only silver weapons, powerful magicks or shouts can even damage a dragon.


Actually, according to lore anyone can ''kill'' them, but they can be resurrected as seen during the story if you happen along a dragon burial site at the right time. As dragonborn you take their souls, making it impossible for them to be resurrected, thus truly killing them.


Whoa whoa whoa! Like immune immune? Don't you think that's a bit unreasonable? Can't remember how it was in Morrowind, but the only magical creatures that ever were mentioned not being harmed by conventional weapons are spirits, ghost etc.


Only spirits, ghost and the like were immune to normal weapons, the others just had resistance towards them, or atleast so I remember and the wiki seems to think so too.


Since dragons are far more powerful, it would be great to not have harmless peasants run up to them and try to punch them to death, causing almost everyone in a town to die in one dragon attack. It would also make sense if the dragons targeted the dragonborn instead of the aforementioned peasants.

Edited by lagi
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