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Change hairstyle

Lord Arius

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I've changed my character's hairstyle a few times, and nothing bad happened (no reset, no achievement block). So, I think I can say it's safe.


Note: I only changed the hairstyle and facial hair, I don't know if reset will be done if changed the race / sex.

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I've changed my character's hairstyle a few times, and nothing bad happened (no reset, no achievement block). So, I think I can say it's safe.


Note: I only changed the hairstyle and facial hair, I don't know if reset will be done if changed the race / sex.

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From DyingAtheist:

(console command showracemenu) and
(console command player.setrace) without changing skills/stats. The first video says changing race affects skills/stats, but the second one came after he discovered there's a working solution.


Many thanks and kudos to him for his videos. :kiss:

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I've read somewhere that if you use showracemenu, it disables steam trophies.

I don't know if anybody cares about those, though. :)


Oh, yeah - Hi everyone, this seems like a nice little forum you have going. :woot:

Edited by ZombieInfected
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