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how do i change the damage a weapon does


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im actually pretty sure ive done this before. but i have a couple of mod weapons that im really enjoying, but they do a little too much damage, i kill everything in one hit, by far. rather it be a little lower for a 2-3 hit kill. i might actually have been the one to set them so high, which is why i said i might have done this before, so if thats the case, i know i could just uninstall and reinstall the mods. but i need to learn how to do this.


i know i go into GECK and change the numbers, then it saves as its own little file, but when i check that file and go in game, the numbrs arent change. so its not overriding the numbers? what am i doing wrong or what do i need to do to make it so those lower numbers save to those weapons.


thanks all for your help :)

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You can only make a mod alter another mod if that first mod is a master.. At least, in GECK, Because if you save a mod in geck, and its 'masters' are not 'masters', it removes them all from the master list.


FNVedit however, has no problems with this, And can also be used to set other mods as as master. (Use 'Copy as override' on the weapon in FNVedit, the select new file, type a name, and edit the override in the new file)


Alternatively, you could just load the mod in geck directly (set as active file the mod) and edit it directly, assuming its not a master (Usally .esm), But this means if you update the mod, you'll need to redo your changes.

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Master means it has the master flag set in the file header, and generaly is called an .esm instead of an .esp


Basicly, you should likey use fnvedit, and copy as override the weapon to a new file, then you don't need to worry so much about master or not.. Just never edit the file with geck or it will ruin the file if it uses a non master plugin as a master.

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idk what any of that means rly, but i figured it out. all i had to do was set the file i wanted to active and everything worked out fine, the way i wantd


thanks for your help :)

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