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Pictures on the nexus


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I personally like both the Exnem's nude female body and Roberts2 male body because I like realism and Oblivion has the graphics to make it look good.


If you read any of my last posts, its NOT the mods, and for the last time I DON'T CARE WHAT MODS YOU DOWNLOAD


My problem was that the image forum was clogged with the same unoriginal naked elf pictures


My point could be the same premise if it were a flood of other things like, idk, the same landscape for example?


It just so happened everyone wanted to post their naked elf pictures.


Whatever, naked elves, I dont care. Flooding the image forum is rather tiring tho, and apparently when a person addresses it, people's little feelings get hurt


and yes, 8 million can easily be wrong. I'm not saying they are.


I'm aware modding is really hard. but 65% of the posted nude photos are just unoriginal, and everyone seems to like posting them.


When the image forum has something somewhat original, then, I wont complain. Ironically, it has in the past couple days.

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I just have to say that all that talk about porn is completely off base. Porn is SEX! Nudity is not porn.



1. Sexually explicit pictures, writing, or other material whose primary purpose is to cause sexual arousal.


Porn is any sort of material with no artistic worth made for the simple purpose of sexual stimulation. That said, nudity is porn.


Look at it this way...Elf porn is better than zombie porn...

I couldn't agree more! :P

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Whatever, naked elves, I dont care. Flooding the image forum is rather tiring tho, and apparently when a person addresses it, people's little feelings get hurt


and yes, 8 million can easily be wrong. I'm not saying they are.


First I would Like to apologize to both you and lolassassin101 for being so harsh in my last few posts, and I totally see where your coming from.


But you have to understand that when the nude mods were released there was a huge debate going all the way to the top (Bethesda) as to

whether or not to allow this in their game or not.We just squeaked by on that one but it was bad PR for BethSoft.


Now here you come referring to that nudity as porn. This upset me because we are already on thin ice and those posts could be taken out of context

and shown to someone at BethSoft. If its the wrong person and coupled with the previous bad PR then a decision could be made to save face for

the company and pull the plug on oblivion modding.If you don't think that can happen you should read their user-end agreement for the construction set.

You would still be able to mod oblivion but the content (our mods) is the sole property of Bethesda and would henceforth be illegal to distribute.


Anyway I respect your right to stand by your posts but I would sleep a lot better at night if you edited the word "porn" from your previous posts.



Thanks for being a part of this community and lets do great things, huh?


Happy Modding Guys!

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First I would Like to apologize to both you and lolassassin101 for being so harsh in my last few posts, and I totally see where your coming from.


Ok, you are forgiven, I only called it that cuz idk what else to really call it lol. So I won't call it that anymore, but find me a new word for it lol


But I hear what your saying. No worries. I'm not bashing the mods themselves, I do have respect for those who have the skill to make something like that.


Also if what u said is the case, shouldn't the images be on the down-low anyways? lol


yes I agree, let's do great things.

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