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Editor no longer will launch...


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For no Explicable reason my Editor no longer starts, my paths are right, I have the redists installed, the splash screen appears it goes through the loading process, but then it just disappears and the process ends... please can anyone help me I can't update my

mods :sad:




I have also tried verifying and pretty much everything I could think of

Edited by Joshuahoeth
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There is apparently a problem with source control integration in the editor since the patch. Try editing XComEditorUserSettings.ini to include:


That helped for me.


EDIT: Original post said DefaultEditorUserSettings.ini, correct file is XComEditorUserSettings.ini. Both files exist but XCom is the one to change.

Edited by tracktwo
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There is also an issue with config files that I've run across.


If any of the config files in your mods in the SDK folder have \\ line continuations, and if any of those have whitespace after the \\ it tends to cause UnrealEditor to crash when loading.


These config files are no problem when loading into the game, it's just some quirk of the UnrealEd script package.


The simplest way to test this is to move your mod folders out of the SDK and try and launch UnrealEd. This will prevent UnrealEd from loading your mod script/config packages to quickly determine if it is the problem.

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If you look for a launch.log in the SDK log folder (not the one in your personal my games folder) it might be able to give you more insight about what's going wrong. I think it's in SDK/xcomgame/logs but I might have the path not quite right.
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Found a mistake in my original post: XcomEditorUserSettings.ini is the file you want, not Default. It may already have the SourceControl section in it.


Oh MY GOD! That actually worked!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!


It's not showing my package, but it's a start!

Edited by Neonchuy
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Gee.. just checked that file in my SDK folder & it's already like this...




Weird.. that something would be flawed in some people's files and NOT on my system. Mind you -- i haven't had any troubles with SDK nor my whole bunch of custom Mods (even from their folders both in XCom2 & SDK).


I'm really starting to suspect.. the installation process is missing a core DLL for Win10 OS.

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