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Needing help geting skin replacers to work


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Hi all. im new to oblivion and have seen some interesting videos on youtube about the BBB stuff for the female players.

ive tried to install some things i thought would work but for some reason nuthing changes in game. ive completely reloaded my oblivion game to restore the old folders.

if some one can give me the right mods to get some good looking skins and the BBB stuff and tell me how to get em working properly that would be awsome.

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Let's start with a few basic concepts. As you know the vanilla unmodded game comes with a body that has 'underwear' covering all the private parts. Most body replacers come with the option to use an underwear version (which will either use the vanilla Oblivion underwear or, like in the video clip you linked, underwear changed to a different look) or a nude body. Whether the underwear is vanilla or modded it is part of the body and can't be removed, so if you want to see the better bits you'll need to choose a nude option.


The second thing is that in the game, when you put a piece of clothing or armor on either the player or an NPC that piece of armor/clothing becomes the body part it covers. To illustrate, if you chose an A-cup body but then put on an H-cup cuirass you would see H-cup when wearing the armor and A-cup when nude (and that goes for either underwear version or nude version).


Moving on to BBB ... it has certain requirements to work correctly. All animations in the game require a skeleton, on which is rigged the meshes that form the body/armor/clothes. The vanilla skeleton that came with the game had no provision for moving boobs, so modders developed various skeletons that included 'breast bones' that could be animated to move the meshes associated with those bones (the latest versions of the BBB skeleton have three breast bones, rigged to different parts of the breast to give as realistic movement as possible). Up until recently the recommended skeleton was Coronerras Maximum Compatibility Skeletons but there are at least two recent mods that will require specific skeletons to work correctly. If you are using or will be using either Deadly Reflex 6 or Unnecessary Violence II you will need BEskind's BBB DeadlyReflex6UnnecessaryViolenceII CompatibilitySkeleton if you want both BBB and either of those mods. Another mod requiring a special skeleton is killermonkey99's BBB Ragdoll Breast Physics, which requires BBB Ragdoll Breast Physics - Growlfs Skeleton. Read that mod's description to decide if you'd be interested in it (I use it and recommend it, but the Ragdoll can't be used if you want to use either Deadly Reflex or Unnecessary Violence II).


Just having the correct BBBed skeleton will not make any difference in what you see in the game without animations that utilize those breast bones. I recommend fore's NoMaaM BBB Animation Replacer, the latest version of which will give you the option to not only replace all the vanilla fighting, walking and running animations with BBBed ones, but also many of the idle animations. He also gives you options to choose how much breast movement suits your tastes. There are also other animation replacers that change for example just the vamilla walking/running animations, and some that add animations, like the stylish jump used in the video. Something to keep in mind with replacer type mods (mods that replace vanilla Oblivion assets with modded ones, and typically don't come with an esp) is that the order you install them is important, as they often replace the same vanilla files, and whichever one is installed last is the one the game will display.


So once you have a BBBed skeleton and body replacer installed you'll still need BBBed clothing and armor if you want to see bouncy bits without having to strip the female NPCs in the game (the player only needs BBBed clothing/armor if you play a female and use the 3rd person view while playing). Some body replacers also come with a vanilla clothing/armor replacer (an example is EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion, but I'm not sure whether it uses BBB or not, as I don't see that listed as a requirement in the mod description, and I don't use that mod myself). The other option is to download and install BBBed versions of stock clothing or armor replacers (I use some of those included in Pyramidhead123's BBB H-cup Stock). Thing to keep in mind is to make sure the armor/clothing replacer is compatible with the body you chose (i.e. if you selected HGEC for your body don't pick a Roberts female clothing replacer as the textures aren't compatible and you'll get ugly looking skin anomalies).


Sorry for the wall of text. That should be enough to get you started.

Edited by Striker879
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Very kind of you Kiergarth. It takes a team to carry as heavy a load as we get here (even when it's been 'lightened' by the release of Skyrim), and I've recognized your efforts on other threads in the past in the same fashion. By the way, if you ever find errors or omissions in my replies on here feel free to jump in with corrections or suggestions. I'm all about getting to the root of and resolving the problem, and that usually takes a team effort.
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