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CTD on savegame only when Mystical Fortress Mod unchecked


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Mystical Fortress author admited occasional issue with "I have no greeting" bug, but said was working on fix that never came.

The character buys an amulet that adds a lesser power when worn to summon a teleport pad to take you to fortress (very cool).

but noticed that spell quit working at some point (cast spell, get light, light fades, no teleport pad).

Also OBSE crashes now every 1min to 10 min.

tried to uncheck MF Mod and save but now I cannot save by any means (full save, quick, auto, console) -the game crashes if I dont have the Mod checked.

I even tried unchecking and moving esp to DT.

The game will make a corrupted save (always 256kb so far) and without mystical fortress checked, the game wont load in OBSE.


with the mod selected can load and run until quit or crash, and make good save.

I have replaced the mod esp with fresh copy, and replaced Oblivion esm with earlier one I had saved to a side file. (exact same results).


I have all the patches and updates for oblivion and SI and have stream, and all the recomended adds for OBSE (I am not running studder remover due to posible interfere with stream)


I have BOSSed my load order and things were pretty good till just recently.

with updates and patched I have 144 mods installed.


but I cant get rid of Mystical Fortress.


any help would be very apreciated, thanks!



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Not sure if will help or not, but have you tried the 'coc center and wait 72 hours plus' fix? It's usually effective in resolving AI related issues (at least in my experience), but it sounds like your problem may run deeper.


To try it deactivate and uninstall your MF mod. Open the console using the tilde key (the ~ key right below the Esc key on standard keyboards) then type 'coc center' (without the quote marks) and then hit enter. You'll be transported to an open plain with a few trees visible in the distance. Using the wait menu wait 3 full 24 hours and then a bit more. Return to the game world with 'coc weye' (again without the quotes) and then try saving your game.

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Don't neglect the uninstall part of the above suggestion ... I suspect that may get you out of the woods. Just deactivating a mod doesn't remove it's assets from your Data folder, and the game loads all relevant assets found in the Data folder (esp and esm files, anything in the meshes, textures, sounds subfolder for example). I always download a mod to a named subfolder in the OblivionDownloads folder I created and extract to that subfolder. That way I can examine the mod's files and folders and see what, if any, files a new mod may overwrite in my game before committing the changes. That extracted archive also serves as a good reference for what files and folders I need to delete when uninstalling a mod (and I keep notes and backups of any files that are overwritten).
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ok, waited 4+ days (just to be sure) and no dice. crashes when I try to save if MF isnt checked in data files. can the mod esp corrupt the game itself?


ps: it doesnt seem to matter which save I use (have had the mod in my game for a while now) could this be a coruption tied to the save file? if so then it wouldnt even help to reload game and all the patches would it? (although thats a lot of work)

Edited by phillipWireland
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Not sure why the advanced search and me don't get along ... that was what I searched for. I had a quick look at the mod's listed dependencies and only Oblivion.esm is listed. The mod description only lists SI as a requirement for textures, and as far as I know that should only result in the missing textures big yellow exclamation mark, not your CTD situation. As it's just an esp file it's simple to uninstall (just delete the file Mystical Fortress.esp from your game install Data folder after deactivating it using either Data Files from the vanilla game launcher or OBMM). When you load the save that had Mystical Fortress active but you have deactivated and uninstalled the mod do you get the warning about missing content for that save? Edited by Striker879
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yea, its crazy. it shouldnt have made a dent. but yes, I get the missing content warning and asks to continue loading.

when i do I can play as normal for as long as normal as far as i can tell, but when i attempt save (inside or out) by any means, it gets to 256 kb and ctd?


I dont know if there is a reader for me to view my save file or a way to tell what snag its hitting


i am wondering if its related to the i have no greeting issue the author posted, or the glitch that doesnt let the spell take effect?

Edited by phillipWireland
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Do you have an earlier save that still has the Mystic Fortress active that you can test with? If so load that save with Mystic Fortress deactivated and uninstalled. You'll get the warning but that's normal. Travel to another cell (if that save is outside go inside somewhere or vice versa) and see if you can save ... trying to see if the problem is with that particular save file.
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