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CTD on savegame only when Mystical Fortress Mod unchecked


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Well unless the two saves are from very close together timeline wise that makes save corruption less likely in my opinion. Do you recall that when you noticed that the spell stopped working was it around the time you added some more mods? You say you have 144 mods installed, do you use Wrye Bash to make a bashed patch (you mentioned BOSS but not Wrye Bash)?
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I'm in the same boat as you on the using Wrye Bash situation. My reason for asking is that if you did use WB and uninstalled Mystical Fortress you'd likely get a CTD if you didn't rebuild your bashed patch (as you may have guessed, I've picked up a little about WB in my time here on the Nexus). Wrye Bash is kind of like a swiss army knife, many tools in one package. Perhaps someone more knowledgeable on WB will chip in with an opinion on whether it could help in this situation.
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