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What to do when the normal things don't make a world object stackable

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I have a worldspace.
In that worldspace, there is a SanctACT_HandyBox01 (for example).
I've placed that box is in a settlement area, it is a static piece (is not meant to be scrap'ed or moved).
I would like the user to be able to place workshop items, such as a stool, on top of that box.

So, I've tried the normal things to make this so.
-Workshopstackableitem=1 actor value

-The above actor vaules in different combinations
-Precombine geometry
-Adding a collision plane/cube to the object
-Adding a new (duplicated in object window) collision cube/plane object with above actor values (I don't think this is meant to be done, the duplicated object seems to lose some base traits that the original collision plane/market/cube object had)
-The above 2 with Precombine Geometry
-Made the box a "Ground Piece" and/or "Obstacle" (I don't know...was just trying anything at that point).

-As a last resort, I also tried adding a known stackable object (the Vault_FloorMat_Large_01)...but that is unreliable, as the objects I want are uneven *and* seem to get in the way of the floor mats own stackability, even though the original example object of Mr's Handy box doesn't have stacking!...argh!...anywho,...

What other options are there?

Besides this box, also beds (ex. NpcBedVaultBunkChildLay02), chairs and couches are not behaving how I'd like (though, I could guess why those don't...possibly because of something to do with them being interactive).

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What happens when you stack items in the game on top of this box? Do they fall off? Do they launch like rockets when Havok takes over? Do other items merely pass through it? Do the items you're attempting to put on this box move the box around?

Offhand I'd say if you want things to stack on top in a manner similar to the data cubes in the virtual memory quest, I'm thinking those have snap points.


You may also want to look at what Havok options are available for this box in the CK.


As a last resort, you can surround the box with collision planes that keep it in one place. However, if it has Havok properties, I'm afraid you'll have to edit those out of the mesh with NifSkope.

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When attempting to place an item on the box (continuing usage of the Mr. Handy box as an example) in workshop mode, the item being placed becomes red and passes through the box. Nothing so spectacular as becoming an impromptu rocket. =)


Nif stuff is not really my strong suit, but looks like I'll have to pull that out and see what I can figure out.

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Ah, ok, stacking in Workshop mode. In that case you'll need snap points on those, or some other method encoded in the mesh for it to be classified as a stackable item.


Otherwise you may be able to stack them manually in the game outside of workshop mode (similar to placing a bucket on someone's head in Skyrim or putting plates on a table/items on a shelf).


However, if you're actually wanting people to use those items in-game, say making some home handyman "ladder" to change a light bulb (box in a chair on a table), then yeah, you'll have to figure out how to edit the mesh for those properties.


You may be able to replace an existing mesh's actual shape data in NifSkope with the item you're wanting to use, assuming such an item already exists of the same dimensions. Or you might be able to copy/paste such nodes and data from said existing mesh into the one you intend to use (the hypothetical Mr Handy box).

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I seem to have gotten a little confused, so please excuse me.


So, to clear up a bit for myself here:

-I've got a Mr. Handy box.

-It's a very large Mr. Handy box...

-I wouldn't like users to move the box (havok or by selecting in workshop mode).

-I wouldn't like users to be able to place the box (from the workshop menu or in any other way).

-I would like users to be able to place a chair (as an example) on top of the box.


So, is that still where you're going with the snapping points advice?


If so, the washer or dryer mesh may work, as both have stacking and are working just fine for my intentions.


P.S. The extent of my knowledge of how nif's work and impact the world is limited to being able to copy collision from one nif to another...so just trying to make sure I'm headed in the right direction (as opposed to the left direction) before proceeding.

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I've been playing with nifskope trying to figure out collision nodes and snap nodes, so if I figure that out reliably (at the moment it is messing up an animation attached to the object I am trying to add points to) then I will definitely get back to you. Would be good to be able to help you out in return.

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I've been playing with nifskope trying to figure out collision nodes and snap nodes, so if I figure that out reliably (at the moment it is messing up an animation attached to the object I am trying to add points to) then I will definitely get back to you. Would be good to be able to help you out in return.

As always, I appreciate the help.


...however, I think I've figured it out.

Might have been my assumptions that got me into trouble.


I was trying to edit the original object (and then precombine geometry), such as the Mr. Handy Box, to allow for items to be placed on them.

That wasn't working.

Why? Because it was an Activator type...should be a "static" type object (at least as I understand it to be so currently).


However, this works:

-Take a known working item, that is also a *static*, and duplicate to create a new static object.

-Changing the name to reflect what you want

-changing the "Model" to reflect the nif you want

-check-marking "Obstacle"

-and "Used As Platform"

-Add Actor Value WorkshopItemOverlap = 1

-Add Actor Value WorkshopStackableItem = 1

-Precombine Geometry
Whether it's all needed, I don't know, but whatever. =P
Seems like it should have been obvious, but somehow I missed it the first several times. =/
Thank you.
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