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Switching bodies for a custom race?


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Hi, I have found a race that I really love (Xenuis' Night Elves), but the problem is they use the Human body while the race is Elven. Elves should be slim and agile imo and the way it is now the head looks disproportionate to the body. I was wondering if it's possible to swap out the body with the slimmer version that the Elven races use? So far I've found out how to switch out the textures, but I cannot seem to figure out how to replace the model.



Bah how do I remove this topic? It was just a matter of changing the body's weight, lol.

Edited by NocturneNight
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If you're looking to replace just the player body you could try the 'Set Body Self' spell from electrro's BBB Designer body spell.


- Edit - No need to remove the topic, your edit may help someone else in the future. :thumbsup:

Edited by Striker879
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If you're looking to replace just the player body you could try the 'Set Body Self' spell from electrro's BBB Designer body spell.


- Edit - No need to remove the topic, your edit may help someone else in the future. :thumbsup:


Indeed? I thought that was only for changing the breastsizes for BBB-bodies. Thank you. Though changing the weight in the CS helped aswell.

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By selecting different upper and lower body sizes you're effectively getting a slimmer look (on the HGEC side of things ... but a lot more options are offered by the mod). Always many ways a cat can be relieved of it's skin.


- Edit - Hehe ... saw your comment on the BBB Designer body spell page. I've created another 'monster'. I wonder how many unclothed ladies will be wandering your game by the end of the day. :biggrin:

Edited by Striker879
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By selecting different upper and lower body sizes you're effectively getting a slimmer look (on the HGEC side of things ... but a lot more options are offered by the mod). Always many ways a cat can be relieved of it's skin.


- Edit - Hehe ... saw your comment on the BBB Designer body spell page. I've created another 'monster'. I wonder how many unclothed ladies will be wandering your game by the end of the day. :biggrin:


Haha. :P



Not to worry, no pixels were harmed during the making of my new character! xD

Edited by NocturneNight
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