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Where is this "Dragonskin Tactical Vest" coming from?


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Alright, so I found an armor called "Dragonskin Tactical Vest." I have been doing research and it's not in the Vanilla Game. I did a keyword search across all mods and it's not in anyone's description or title.


It's a really kickass armor that goes so well with the black army helmet.


Here's my issue- I was having problems with a "Trait" mod and it F'ed my SPECIAL Stats. I had to go in and disable and delete the mod and reload an older save. Fine. So I go back to the chest with the Dragonskin Tactical Vest... And there's Combat Armor. Great.


I am almost 100% positive it had nothing to do with the "Trait" mod. I looked through all of the mods I have and I can't find any description with this Dragonskin Vest.


Does anyone have any idea where this came from?


Thank you.

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If you're using the latest Modtheft.Bugthesda version of Modern Firearms (the new Tactical Edition), that's most likely where the Dragonskin came from. We added that specifically in the 2.3/Tactical Edition release.


If you aren't running MF, then I have no bloody idea. Whenever I run into something like this, I drop that item and -only- that item into a container, open the console, click the container and run the "showinventory" command. Jot down the first two numbers of the ID that gets spat out, compare that to your load order and you'll at least know where that mystery item came from.

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Unfortunately, yes, lol. No computer yet, only computer I have is a MacBook fail for school. Anyways I guess that is where that came from.


By the way, thanks, now I just have to find it again. I actually was looking for the description here, and I saw on another upload where the mod was actually removed from nexus. What happened?

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Tl;dr of that story is that some of the models turned out to be rips - we've removed the illegal models and are trying to track down legal-to-use replacements though. Because of that the Nexus has officially booted us until we're able to gather a full list of credits/permissions for all the assets, at which point we're hoping to be allowed back.

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Wow, that sucks. It's also a bummer that you didn't know they were ripped off. I mean I understand taking it down because of that, but I sure hope you guys are going to be able to come back. You did a really good job on the mod. It adds so much into the weapons and ammo diversity. I use the Firearms + DKS + 10mm revolver + Desert Eagle, and the weapons are so diverse.


I loved New Vegas because of the amount of weapons that were in the vanilla game. However, Fallout 4 was a disappointment in the weapons side of things. I know that New Vegas was Obsidian though and that's probably the reason for the weapons diversity. Vanilla Fallout 3 was also pretty lame on the weapons. I want to go back and play Fo3 again, but hell, I can't add any weapons in via console and I figure it would end up not being as fun.

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