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Custom Sniper SFX does not play when firing


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Okay, I followed Amineri's suggestions, and here's what happened after a couple of hours of testing.


I made sure the SoundNodeWave, and SoundCue works. Also tested the animation to make sure that it works.


I imported the sniper animation in 3ds max, fixed the position of the bones for FF_FireA, FF_FireWeaponA, and HL_ReloadA, and increased the FF_FireA animation to 4 frames (0.0917 seconds).


I tested this with minimal settings, the the AnimNotify for the sounds and particle systems seem to play just fine, with an average of 40 - 60 frames per second.


Then I tested the SVD with the absolute maximum settings, the AnimNotify for the sound and particle systems fail to play, with an average of 15 - 20 frames per second, without using the slomo command.


I not sure what's going on. I can't seem to get a perfect .08 seconds in 3ds max when I adjusted the timeline. I also tried using 370 ticks to reach .08, but I instead get .0802 seconds when I imported the animation into Unreal.

Edited by E3245
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There's nothing magical about the 0.08 seconds number. In fact, I think I wanted a longer time, but JC exported from Blender with that time-line, so we called it "good enough".


The other option is to copy the full-body animation of the soldier, and attach the sound in there. This works for single-shot weapons (like Laser Sniper Rifle), but we didn't use that generally because most of our lasers use multiple shots, with multiple projectiles, and we wanted a sound for each projectile.


I believe the base-game Cannon_CV does something similar -- it doesn't have a sound/projectile, but instead a single "buzz" sound that plays for the entire firing duration.

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There's nothing magical about the 0.08 seconds number. In fact, I think I wanted a longer time, but JC exported from Blender with that time-line, so we called it "good enough".


The other option is to copy the full-body animation of the soldier, and attach the sound in there. This works for single-shot weapons (like Laser Sniper Rifle), but we didn't use that generally because most of our lasers use multiple shots, with multiple projectiles, and we wanted a sound for each projectile.


I believe the base-game Cannon_CV does something similar -- it doesn't have a sound/projectile, but instead a single "buzz" sound that plays for the entire firing duration.


I figured out why it wasn't lining up correctly, I had to set the timeframe to 2:64 in Frames:Ticks and add keys at the beginning and end of the timeline for each bone. I did that and it imported with the time I wanted (.08 seconds).


I've set durations for each AnimNotify in FF_FireA, for the muzzle PS and SoundCue, at max, just to see what would happen. It didn't change anything.


I've tried putting the AnimNotify_Sound on the soldier animation before, but I still had the same problem. I might try that again just to see if it changes anything.


EDIT: I figured out that it wasn't applying my changes because I was subscribed to my mod, causing it not to load my changes. It now works, but now everytime I fire the SVD, the mag and other parts move several feet away from the weapon. I don't know what causes it.

Edited by E3245
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