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A family mod idea :D


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I think it would be cool to have an extra feature to your family. Being able to take your family on a 1 day trip, including your husband/wife- kids- (having a follower around should not harm the trip) and allow your kids to play around more. Give them more to do, more options than just attacking a dummy, playing tag or hide 'n seek or playing with their dolly.

Since your family is basically immortal, you wouldn't have to worry about them dying... unless you have a mod that lets them die o.o

Dragons, Giants, bandits- they all attack hearthfire houses, so why would it matter if they attack your family? xD brings more excitement and you can defend your family too.

What ever location you have that you've already 'discovered' on your map, would be a location you could go to for your trip (as long as it's safe- haha)



I hope someone here that makes mods, would find this interesting and a cool feature too! Anyone who wants to make this family mod, please- by all means- do xD; I want a change in family relationships, something a little more immersive.

Also be cool (if possible) to add a fishing feature; taking your family on a fishing trip. Every now and then (depending on what house you live in or city) one of your kids would mention that your Husband/Wife 'promised' or I don't know exactly but... anyway- said he'd/she'd take them to go fishing- yet- they never do in the end, cause you never see them do it.


Also, you could only go on a family trip once a month, in-game wise. (optional of course xD)

I just think a mod like this would be awesome, it'd bring more immersion into your families- more liveliness. That's the main reason why I hardly stick around the family, it lacks excite, liveliness, immersion, how ever you would like to call it.

What do you guys think? :3

Edited by Maileen12
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This section is for questions and feedback regarding the forum site itself, not a game. I assume you are speaking about Skyrim here. To request mods you need to post this in the appropriate Skyrim section. The easiest way to get there (should you not have a bookmark) is to go to the file page and at the top is a tab for FORUMS...click that on any game page to get to its forums.


For now here is the Skyrim mod request link:



Good luck.

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