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Random, significant framerate drops


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It will run almost perfectly for about 5 or 6 minutes, then suddenly drop to about 15fps and sit there for about 1 or 2 minutes. It's extremely annoying and really kills the experience. Any fixes?


Computer specs? At which quality are you running Skyrim? If you have a low-mid GPU you may be running out of VRAM, but if you don't tell anything but just that it's impossible anybody knows what's wrong.

Edited by dreigen
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It will run almost perfectly for about 5 or 6 minutes, then suddenly drop to about 15fps and sit there for about 1 or 2 minutes. It's extremely annoying and really kills the experience. Any fixes?


Computer specs? At which quality are you running Skyrim? If you have a low-mid GPU you may be running out of VRAM, but if you don't tell anything but just that it's impossible anybody knows what's wrong.

DualCore @ 2.4, 6GB of RAM, 8800 GTX. It runs flawlessly without the random drops.

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Sounds like a heat issue, game runs fine for few minutes, then temperature hits the cap and underclocks itself to prevent damage -> Game stutters. After 2 minutes of stuttering temperature gets normal again and your game runs fine again and so on.

Had the same issue back then with Dirt 2, almost drove me nuts until I figured it out.

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Check for the .exe mod that increases your RAM ability. I had heat issues and better cooling, i.e. two fans for my laptop and doing the RAM mod helped considerably.


I have much less powerful computers than you guys do. Download ThrottleStop and keep it up in game, make sure you click the log indicator and it will tell you if you CPU is throttling and watch your temps for you....

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Jambliduo, I am having a very similar issue. My computer runs the game perfectly fine on medium or high settings (Auto-detect puts me on high but I tried medium to see if it would help) for 15-30 minutes and then starts to get these significant lag spikes (mouse is laggy, game is laggy). For me, the lag spikes get more and more frequent, is it the same with you? That may suggest it is a heat related issue @_@


@fleeingfish: A mod that does what to the what? (Computer nub) That sounds like it might help if I could find it...

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Based on what was said I doubt you have the same issue I have, but I wanted to throw the info out there for those that might have the same issue, and it falls into this category.


I have SLI'd GTX285's with the latest nVidia drivers, randomly, and/or after a few hours, my frame rate get's cut in quarter. The FIX, at least it has worked every time so far, is to go to the nVidia control panel and dis-able/re-enable SLI mode, poof!! it goes back up to where it should be. I tried the previous cert'd drivers and don't have this issue, but the graphics don't look as nice and the fps is 15% lower... I can live with saving and re-enabling SLI... heh

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