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AA and AS should take SOME FPS a least, right?


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Hi all,


Well, I feel pretty dumb asking about this but after all the games I played, I kind of wonder... And even now, with Skyrim, I wonder even more!


Ok, here I go!


Should antialias filtering and anisotropic cost at least SOME FPS???


Even if I play with or without, my FPS rate is about the same... I say ABOUT here cause if you can get a 2 minutes long sequence with exactly the same frame rate, (moving) you're good! I never was able to! But, shouldn't they take at least a little?


I can use it internally (using the launcher), externally (using nvidia control panel) AND without (not using them at all), and my FPS rate is more or less the same!!! About same high, about same low... What am I doing wrong? Or what am I doing right? Or even, what am I doing left? :P


If anyone has a clue, share, please!


Oh, by the way,


I'm on:

Intel Core 2 Duo 8500 3.1ghz (no overclocking)


Windows 7 64bit

Nvidia GTX460 1GB

Sound Blaster Audigy 2 or 4 (don't remember... It's old, but it works!)

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Well, it's pretty easy, your C2D is bottlenecking your GPU, so your GPU isn't used at its maximum capacity, that means you have free power remaining and can activate filters with no fps cost, until you fill your maximum VRAM or reach 100% GPU usage, then, your fps will start to drop.


I have almost the same computer (GTX 470 [email protected]) as you so I can run AAx8 with almost no FPS loss (it sheldon hits 100% usage) because half my GPU is not being used, so it's the CPU who limits the fps.

Edited by dreigen
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Ok! Cool! Thanks for the explanation!


One thing I don't understand though... Why is my CPU bottlenecking my GPU? My cpu is too old? Not fast enough? I mean, it's faster then the GPU, or is it?


Even though I know a lot about PC's, link between GPU's and CPU's have never been thing... Anyway, just if you know!


Thanks again!

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Ok! Cool! Thanks for the explanation!


One thing I don't understand though... Why is my CPU bottlenecking my GPU? My cpu is too old? Not fast enough? I mean, it's faster then the GPU, or is it?


Even though I know a lot about PC's, link between GPU's and CPU's have never been thing... Anyway, just if you know!


Thanks again!

It's a very out-dated processor, and remember, all graphics card calculations have to be interpreted by the processor. In other words - no matter how fast your graphics card is, it will always be limited by the CPU's processing power.

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Plus, Skyrim devours your cpu to an extent yet unheard of in modern games. Your cpu is probably fine for most, if not all other games. Just not Skyrim.


On the positive side, now you can add some filters and non-cpu intensive tasks without dropping any fps! :)

Edited by Rennn
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The normal case having your GPU or mine is having a Core i5/i7. Your CPU will cut your fps in an intensive CPU game, but there are others, such as Metro 2033, which is pretty GPU intensive, that means you will not be bottlenecked by your CPU. Anyway, Skyrim is so badly optimized for PC (if it's at least a bit) it just drains your CPU when there are many tasks, like shadows, that the GPU could handle without problem, and I'd bet many fps problems would be solved. But, again, Bethesda is so lazy they just ported the game and released it, not fair, but assuming they sell most of their "Skyrims" on 360, and least on PC, they don't see why we should be playing the game as good as console players do.


Just to let you see, look how fast Bethesda answered when they heard of texture problem on 360, while the PC Forum was filled with complains and help requests, the best you can do to get additional FPS is to OC your CPU as much as you can, good luck.

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Yep e8500 is only a dual core penryn. But not all i5/i7 are quad core either.


I was just hoping to restrain the language here, talking about "very outdated" and so on which is nonsense. i5/i7 are not real upgrades to penryn unless you're prepared to overclock past 4ghz since the newer process can be pushed further.


Otherwise the OP processor is still essentially as good as it gets... so why make it sound like their computer is some kind of clunker...

Edited by Robynah
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