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Help please Scripting noob here.

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I am new to scripting i'll just say this but I am running into a bit of trouble and any help would be appreciated as its all really new too me and hard to grasp.


Here is the code I need to add too.

Event OnKeyDown(Int KeyCode)
	If KeyCode == 58
	   PlayerRef.ForceActorValue("SpeedMult", 90.0)  ;        When Caps is held speed changes to 90.0

Event OnKeyUp(Int KeyCode, Float HoldTime)
	If KeyCode == 58
	PlayerRef.ForceActorValue("SpeedMult", 200.0) ;           When Key is let go it changes to stored value.

The issue is I need to add to the Event OnKeyup that when it begins I need it to -1 and +1 to my carry weight to workaround the animation issue when SpeedMult is changed.


Also if someone would be kind enough to tell me how aliases work ^^

Edited by aareyn
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Not sure if it's just this you're after or I have misunderstood.

Event OnKeyDown(Int KeyCode)
	If KeyCode == 58
	   PlayerRef.ForceActorValue("SpeedMult", 90.0)  ;        When Caps is held speed changes to 90.0
           Game.GetPlayer().DamageAV("CarryWeight", -0.001)

Event OnKeyUp(Int KeyCode, Float HoldTime)
	If KeyCode == 58
	PlayerRef.ForceActorValue("SpeedMult", 200.0) ;           When Key is let go it changes to stored value.
        Game.GetPlayer().DamageAV("CarryWeight", 0.001)
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I don't think you can damage an actor value by a negative number. I believe you want ModAV instead.

Definitely can for CarryWeight. This is the script I'm using for a sprint and it works

Scriptname AceSprintScript extends activemagiceffect  

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

	Game.GetPlayer().DamageAV("Stamina", -50.0)
	Game.GetPlayer().DamageAV("CarryWeight", -0.001)


Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

	Game.GetPlayer().DamageAV("CarryWeight", 0.001)


Reversed the +/- just now and it still works.

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I believe what lofgren meant was, damageav converts negative values to positive and applies that as damage. So that negative's not adding carry weight, it's only subtracting.

Oh lol. Just tested it and that's correct.


Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

	Game.GetPlayer().DamageAV("Stamina", -50.0)
	Game.GetPlayer().Modav("CarryWeight", 0.001)


Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

	Game.GetPlayer().Modav("CarryWeight", -0.001)



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