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Terrible performance after installing and then deleting mods


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After attempting to install a couple mods intended to improve performance, and then deleting them as they only made them worse (I even deleted the d3d9.dll file), whenever I start Skyrim the initial loading screen takes nearly three minutes. And then once the game is loaded, the framerate is terrible. Any suggestions? The only solution that I could find was to delete d3d9.dll, but that hasn't worked.
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yeah I got that problem too but removing that dll usually fixed it..


The first time you opened the launcher after removing said file from the root directory of skyrim, it redetected video cards, right? if not you might want to go into options and make sure it doesn't have enb series or gforce 8800 set as the card, or you might not have removed the d3d9 dll properly or from the right place.


Might also try clicking one of the detail settings to pick a default.

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Yeah, it re-detected the video settings and it is displaying the correct video adapter, but its still not working. And the .dll file is nowhere to be found in the directory. I've found that if I use alt-control-delete to open the task manager the game will load immediately after doing so, but I'm still encountering awful framerates. Thanks for the reply though.
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Idunno. Might try getting a default ini by going to <drive>:\Users\<name>\Documents\My Games\Skyrim


backing up the three ini files in there and then deleting them.

Running skyrim launcher and the game, shoould make it like when you first installed.


If not then uh.


No idea.

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