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Ratting the Ratslayer


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I've always liked the early game rifle, Ratslayer, which, if I'm nor mistaken, is based off the Varmint Rifle. Is it possible, through FNV Edit, to change it to a semi-automatic instead of a single shot? In my limited experience I know how to edit some things, but this one I'm not sure of.


Thank You.

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Yes you can do that easily by changing the animation type from Rifle Ballistic (2 hand) to Rifle Automatic (2 hand)


However the reload animation will be different, the automatic animation may or may not have the correct animation for that. If you have NVSE installed you can set the reload animation through console with SetWeaponAnimation (formid) , followed by a number 0-10 which represents reloads A-K, if you are lucky you'll find the correct one which you can then set in the weapon form. The formid is the formid for ratslayer, After changing the reload animation, swap to another weapon and back to view the difference.

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Yes you can do that easily by changing the animation type from Rifle Ballistic (2 hand) to Rifle Automatic (2 hand)


However the reload animation will be different, the automatic animation may or may not have the correct animation for that. If you have NVSE installed you can set the reload animation through console with SetWeaponAnimation (formid) , followed by a number 0-10 which represents reloads A-K, if you are lucky you'll find the correct one which you can then set in the weapon form. The formid is the formid for ratslayer, After changing the reload animation, swap to another weapon and back to view the difference.

Thanks !

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Yes you can do that easily by changing the animation type from Rifle Ballistic (2 hand) to Rifle Automatic (2 hand)


However the reload animation will be different, the automatic animation may or may not have the correct animation for that. If you have NVSE installed you can set the reload animation through console with SetWeaponAnimation (formid) , followed by a number 0-10 which represents reloads A-K, if you are lucky you'll find the correct one which you can then set in the weapon form. The formid is the formid for ratslayer, After changing the reload animation, swap to another weapon and back to view the difference.

I have ensured that NVSE is working, by "getNVSEversion". When I run "setweaponanimation" "000e5b17 1", for example, I get a "weapon animation, script not found" message. I did changege the animation to automatic, but the default is a pistol animation.

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I've never used that specific function and it's geck wiki page is a bit confusing in how they recommend using it, but typically the ref goes first.


Try: 000E5B17.SetWeaponReloadAnim 1


Here's a link to the geck wiki's page on it:




Which looks almost like they want it at the beginning and end

Edited by uhmattbravo
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Well, I finally got a no error message, using:


SetWeaponReloadAnim 1:ReloadAnim Reference:000e5b17


where 1 is the animation (1-10) and 000e5b17 is the object ID. However, neither the firing nor the reload changes, regardless of which animation number I use, but I guess that's progress of sorts.


Thanks for the help.

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You could try to change it in the geck. It may take a bit of experimenting to figure out what animation will work best, but it'd be a fairly easy task overall even if you have no prior modding experience. Edited by uhmattbravo
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