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New Patch Causes CTD


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Removed everything, fresh install and I can get it running. Still can't get NMM to work with it but I can manually install mods and get them working. Something really fried my FO4 with this patch but I'll get it back working again.

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It looks like Minutemen Overhaul 2.0 is a real problem causer, along with a few other mods. I'd say anything that alters the minutemen is a problem mod right now.


I couldn't start the game with minutemen overhaul active for quite some time now. Nothing to do with the new patch. I even posted my problem and my load order in the mod's comments. Sadly without getting any reply.


With the new patch and the mods I'm running, I can load and play without having more or less CTDs. It really seems to be dependent on the particular configuration and installed mods.

Edited by cossayos
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It may be nothing, or just my happenstance solution, but eventually any idea that works isn't a bad idea...


---> Turn off the Steam Overlay before launching.


I swear, I've done every tip, trick, and hokus-pokus-ey gimmick to get FO4 back up an running for the last two days... And even after a complete "feckitall" wipe and re-install I wasn't getting past a 3-second black screen before getting dumped back to desktop. I noticed that the gameoverlay executable was hanging out a bit after the crash on the Task Manager, so I unticked the option in Steam (Properties > General > "[..] Enable the Steam Overlay while in-game"). The next launch went smoothly, and I'm back in business. (...with a few hours ahead of me of tracking down what mods NMM decided to botch in the Profile re-activation.)

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It looks like Minutemen Overhaul 2.0 is a real problem causer, along with a few other mods. I'd say anything that alters the minutemen is a problem mod right now.


I couldn't start the game with minutemen overhaul active for quite some time now. Nothing to do with the new patch. I even posted my problem and my load order in the mod's comments. Sadly without getting any reply.


With the new patch and the mods I'm running, I can load and play without having more or less CTDs. It really seems to be dependent on the particular configuration and installed mods.


Disabling the steam overlay as described on page 4 appears to have worked for me. The game at least launches.

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I am so frustrated by this. My game is heavily modded, but normally runs smoothly. Then they drop this patch on us and everything is borked beyond recovery. I spent 2 days updating everything & then deactivating mod after mod, trying to get past the ctd at the opening window. Finally found the culprit was a conflict with the minutemen overhaul, got it fixed and reloaded, player happily for a couple of hours til I almost have the visitor's Center in Far Harbor ready for occupation, and realize my build menu has somehow lost the furniture tab, so I can't put beds in.


After all day of trying to find & fix, I'm about ready to scrap the whole thing. I have tried rolling back a few hours of saves to no avail. Finally able to get a full menu again by going all the way back to start, before I installed SKI. Since uninstalling such core mods is almost certain to cause permanent issues, looks like I have no choice but to toss out weeks of game progress, start over with SKE instead, and try to work out a solid mod order under that.


That will maybe be good until the next Beth patch...


Maybe I'll just go back to Skyrim/FONV until they decide this is stable.

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til I almost have the visitor's Center in Far Harbor ready for occupation, and realize my build menu has somehow lost the furniture tab, so I can't put beds in.



Am I right in assuming you have the new version of SKE? That one messed in a terrible way with my game. To the extent of having to deinstall each and every mod to redownload and reactivate them one by one. It even messed with unique player and unique follower bodies, which is beyond me, since it shouldn't touch textures or meshes. But the furniture menu was one of the things it disabled. It seems to have a major conflict with Homemaker, which no longer needs it.

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