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are all containers in houses safe to store items in?


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When I played Oblivion, I wasted several days of gameplay by storing a lot of my treasured possessions in a chest inside the Thief Cave (an official DLC player home), only to discover that they completely disappeared from the game a few days later. Turns out that only some of the containers in that cave were 'permanent', while others cleared their contents automatically after xx hours. Some of the stuff I'd lost was just too important to me, so I had to load a much older savegame just to get it back.


As infuriatingly cretinous as the decision to give the player a home with 'trick' containers in it was, I wouldn't put it past Bethesda to do it again in Skyrim (though I think the issue wasn't repeated in the Fallout games, so hopefully they learnt from their mistakes). Can anyone confirm whether the containers in houses you buy are safe to store stuff in? And what about the floor - if you drop something on the floor or lean it against the wall, will it still be there a few days later?


(I've only played about 15 hours so don't actually own any houses yet, by the way)

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I've been using a chest in home of of of the families you meet in Riverside at the start of the game (Alvor's family, one side of the main storyline). So far the stuff in the chest seems untouched and hasn't vanished on me yet. Not sure how many ingames have passed.. but it's been at least 30.. so it seems safe to use. The only problem with using it... the house gets locked during the day and so if I want to use the chest I have to go their early morning or wait till 4-5+pm to do so.
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This has been a real issue with me, so I tried something. I started a quest and had to back out for a while as I am not strong enough yet, but I met Delphine, the Blade, She has a secret (or not so secret) basement by her room at the Sleeping Giant Inn in Riverwood. In the basement is a chest, so I put some items in there and so far, they are still there including some rather heavy dragon bones. What we use these for I have no clue, not yet anyway. I also picked up a Blade's Kantana sword, one of my favorites in oblivion and it works quite nicely. From what I have read, this may not be such a great idea, but it has worked for the moment. :biggrin:
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I've been using a chest in home of of of the families you meet in Riverside at the start of the game (Alvor's family, one side of the main storyline). So far the stuff in the chest seems untouched and hasn't vanished on me yet. Not sure how many ingames have passed.. but it's been at least 30.. so it seems safe to use. The only problem with using it... the house gets locked during the day and so if I want to use the chest I have to go their early morning or wait till 4-5+pm to do so.

Don't they give you a key?

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There's a sideboard in the room just before your bedroom in the companions hall,I've been storing all my junk in there since I joined the companions.It's getting bloody full now though so scrolling through it all is a bit of a pain.....wish there was an item type menu like in your inventory for furniture.
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