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How to make companions dual-wield?


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I want to have Aela dual-wield in melee situations as 2 daggers/swords suits her much better than a giant battleaxe or a shield, however even if I remove everything from her but 2 1-handers (in this case blade of woe and ebony dagger (epic)) she will only use the blade of woe and keep the other hand empty no matter what. Is she the only one that has this problem? Do all companions do this? Is there a way I can fix this no-doubt bug?
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I have the follower Lydia still and i cant make her dual-wield or anything aswell. Cant even change her outfit. Yeah i got same god-damned problem you have.
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I have the follower Lydia still and i cant make her dual-wield or anything aswell. Cant even change her outfit. Yeah i got same god-damned problem you have.


You can change her outfit when you get something better than hers (she uses steel as default so if you give her dwarven+ she will use it)


But anyway I hope this is addressed in a patch if there truly is no way to make them dual wield. Anyone know for sure? NPCs dual wield, companions should be able to aswell.

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  • 2 months later...
Has this question been answered in another thread?? I would REALLY like to have my companion dual wield fear weapons so I can have mobs run away which allows me to practice my destruction magic on them. Destruction does not scale so having my companion dual wield is kind of necessary imo. If there is or is not a fix to make this happen can someone please tell us?
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Jennessa will dual wield anything, the dark brotherhood initiates will dual wield any sword in their main(right) hand, but only forsworn weapons in left(Cicero is the same as the initiates). Also miners will dual wield a pickaxe in their off hand. Other than that I don't think any other followers can dual wield. But I don't have consol commands so I don't know if you can use those to change anything


P.s. I don't know about daggers I only have given the swords

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've found this helpful page- My link



Bumping this thread because I am having similar issues with followers not dual wielding their favorite weapon types. The above solution worked but this resets as soon as they switch to ranged. Would be nice if we can customize their preferred weapon styles.

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