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Console Commands



Good ol’ God Mode means you’re completely invulnerable to everything, and pretty damn god-like. And no one needs to write a book about you or anything.



No clipping lets you go literally anywhere in the game world, from the top of the sky to the bottom of the, er, sky. Fascinating if you want to witness the game world.



Can’t find that vital key? Lockpicking skill too low? Simply highlight the door or chest you want to unlock, and type “unlock” into the console. If only this worked in real life.



Every single spell in Skyrim is now yours! ( Dont use this, its game breaking)



Automatically level up – perfect if you hate playing games.



Automatically complete all the stages of your primary quest – perfect if you hate playing games. (Dont use this game breaking)



Unhappy with your blind, inbred-looking Bosmer chap? You can adjust the way your character looks just like you did at the start of Skyrim – but this will reset your level and skills.


player.modav skill X

Where “skill” is the skill you want to modify, and X is the amount you want to modify it by. Skills are inputted via their in-game names without spaces, apart from Archery which is “Marksman”, and Speech, which is known as “Speechcraft”.

(This only buffs the skill it does not change the stat it self its only a buff)


player.additem ITEM ###

Every single item in Skyrim has a code, a bit like an Argos catalogue of fantasy objects. You’ll find them all on this GameFront page – replace “ITEM” with the item’s code, and “###” with the number of items you want. Now your dreams of owning 47 cabbage potato soups can come true.


player.additem 0000000f ###

A simple way to get some free gold – any number between 001 and 999 will do.


player.additem 0000000a “###”

Running low on lockpicks? Enter the number you require here and they’ll magically appear.



Combine with the codes on this Wikia page to add your selected shout.



Toggles all in-game menus – perfect if you want to take some screenshots to convince elderly relatives that Skyrim is where you went on your holidays.



Followed by 0 or 1 turns map markers on or off.



Not Team Fortress Classic, unfortunately. However, you will be able to access the flycam and pretend to be a dragon.



Toggles AI, which means people won’t interact with you, or do anything at all.



Turns combat AI on or off, turning dragons into placid beasts who act like you aren’t there. A bit like cats.



This one lets you behave like a little rapscallion, as it turns naughty business detection (stealing, murdering, doing a poo in the woods etc) on or off. You’ll still get caught if you try pickpocketing, though.


player.setcrimegold ###

Adjust your wanted level with this handy command – setting it to zero resets your current amount of wantedness.


player.setlevel ##

Up or down your player level as you see fit. Perfect if you hate playing games.


player.setav speedmult ###

Want to run like Uwe Boll after a night on the vindaloo? Set this number to anything more than 100 to speed up movement.



Go straight to your quest target.


(Does not seem to work atm need to add some thing extra to the string possibly?)



Target the thing you want to kill, type this command and they’ll fall over in a very dead manner. We wish the command was “Laputan Machine”, though.



Kills everything in the vicinity. Literally everything.



Lists every single console command. We’ve put this further down the list because we want you to actually read this article.



Target the thing you want to bring back to life, and they’ll get up in a very alive manner.


player.modav carryweight #

Tired of getting tired? Up your carryweight and you’ll be able to transport more goodies.


setpcfame #

When will I, will I be famous? When you up your fame number.


setpcinfamy #

He’s not just famous, he’s in-famous! Up it here.


player.setav fatigue #

Up this to stop feeling so tired all the time.


player.setav health #

Up your health here.


coc qasmoke

Bethesda’s handily included a room with every single in-game item in it – type this command to go straight there. It might take a while to load – there are thousands of items here. Type “coc Riverwood” to return to the game.



Quit the game without having to go through any of those pesky menus.



Target a character and type this and you’ll get all their items – including their clothes. Note: does not work in real life.



Change your character’s gender. Note: does not work in real life.


set timescale to #

This defaults at 16 – 1 is realtime. Up it to experience crazy timelapse-style Skyrim.


This was taken from PC gamer website. They have all been tested im sure. Ill add any they left out under this



If any are not listed that need be listed send me a message ill update it




player.setav dragonsouls xxxxx

player.setav marksman 100 setav changes the base number and that is what matters. Where as modav only buffs it













Item IDs

Armor/ weapons



Armor HideEdit

00013911 Hide Armor

00013910 Hide Boots

00013912 Hide Bracers

00013913 Hide Helmet

00013914 Hide Shield

Iron ArmorEdit

00013948 Banded Iron Armor

0001394B Banded Iron Shield

00012E49 Iron Armor

00013988 Iron Battleaxe

00012E4B Iron Boots

0001397E Iron Dagger

00012E46 Iron Gauntlets

0001359D Iron Greatsword

00012E4D Iron Helmet

00013982 Iron Mace

00012EB6 Iron Shield

00012EB7 Iron Sword

00013790 Iron War Axe

00013981 Iron Warhammer

Studded ArmorEdit

00013ED8 Studded Armor

Imperial ArmorEdit

000136D5 Imperial Armor

000136D6 Imperial Boots

000136D4 Imperial Bracers

00013EDC Imperial Helmet

000135BA Imperial Shield

000135B8 Imperial Sword


0001B3A3 Scaled Armor

0001B39F Scaled Boots

0001B3A0 Scaled Bracers

0001B3A1 Scaled Helmet

00013952 Steel Armor

0001398C Steel Battleaxe

00013951 Steel Cuffed Boots

00013986 Steel Dagger

00013987 Steel Greatsword

00013954 Steel Helmet

000 Steel Horned Helmet

000 Steel Imperial Gauntlets

00013988 Steel Mace

00013953 Steel Nordic Gauntlets

0001395C Steel Plate Armor

0001395B Steel Plate Boots

0001395D Steel Plate Gauntlets

0001395E Steel Plate Helmet

00013955 Steel Shield

000 Steel Shin Boots

00013989 Steel Sword

0001398B Steel War Axe

0001398C Steel Warhammer


0003619E Leather Armor

00013920 Leather Boots

00013921 Leather Bracers

00013922 Leather Helmet


0001394D Dwarven Armor

00013994 Dwarven Battleaxe

0001394C Dwarven Boots

00013995 Dwarven Bow

00013996 Dwarven Dagger

0001394E Dwarven Gauntlets

00013997 Dwarven Greatsword

0001394F Dwarven Helmet

00013998 Dwarven Mace

00013950 Dwarven Shield

00013999 Dwarven Sword

00013993 Dwarven War Axe

0001399A Dwarven Warhammer


000896A3 Elven Armor

0001399C Elven Battleaxe

0001391A Elven Boots

0001399E Elven Dagger

0001391C Elven Gauntlets

0001392A Elven Gilded Armor

0001399F Elven Greatsword

0001391D Elven Helmet

000139A0 Elven Mace

0001391E Elven Shield

000139A1 Elven Sword

0001399D Elven Bow

000139A2 Elven Warhammer


00013956 Orcish Boots

00013957 Orcish Armor

00013958 Orcish Gauntlets

00013959 Orcish Helmet

00013946 Orcish Shield


00013960 Ebony Boots

00013961 Ebony Curaiss

00013962 Ebony Gauntlets

00013963 Ebony Helmet

00013964 Ebony Shield

000139B1 Ebony Sword

000139AD Ebony Bow

000139B2 Ebony Warhammer

000139B0 Ebony Mace

000139AC Ebony Battleaxe

000139AB Ebony War Axe

000139AF Ebony Greatsword

000139AE Ebony Dagger


00013939 Glass Armor

000139A4 Glass Battleaxe

00013938 Glass Boots

000139A5 Glass Bow

000139A6 Glass Dagger

0001393A Glass Gauntlets

000139A7 Glass Greatsword

0001393B Glass Helmet

000139A8 Glass Mace

0001393C Glass Shield

000139A9 Glass Sword

000139A3 Glass War Axe

000139AA Glass Warhammer

Dragon ArmorEdit

00013965 Dragonplate Boots

00013966 Dragonplate Armor

00013967 Dragonplate Gauntlets

00013969 Dragonplate Helmet

00013968 Dragonplate Shield

0001393D Dragonscale Boots

0001393E Dragonscale Armor

0001393F Dragonscale Gauntlets

00013940 Dragonscale Helmet

00013941 Dragonscale Shield


0001396B Daedric Armor

000139B4 Daedric BattleAxe

0001396A Daedric Boots

000139B5 Daedric Bow

000139B6 Daedric Dagger

0001396C Daedric Gauntlets

000139B7 Daedric Greatsword

0001396D Daedric Helmet

000139B8 Daedric Mace

0001396E Daedric Shield

000139B9 Daedric Sword

000139B3 Daedric War Axe

000139BA Daedric Warhammer









0005ACE5 Steel Ingot

005ACE4 Iron Ingot

0005ACE3 Silver Ingot

0005AD93 Corundum Ingot

0005AD99 Orichalcum Ingot

0005AD9D Ebony Ingot

0005AD9E Gold Ingot

0005ADA0 Quicksilver Ingot

000DB8A2 Dwarven Metal Ingot

0005ADA1 Refined Malachite

0005AD9F Refined Moonstone


0003ADA3 Dragon Scales

0003ADA4 Dragon Bones


0003AD5B Daedra Heart


0005ACDB Corundum Ore

0005ACDC Ebony Ore

0005ACDD Orichalkum Ore

0005ACDE Gold Ore

0005ACDF Silver Ore

0005ACE0 Moonstone Ore

0005ACE1 Malachite Ore

0005ACE2 Quicksilver Ore


00063B47 Diamond

00063B43 Emerald

00063B42 Ruby

00063B44 Sapphire

00063B46 Amethyst

00063B45 Garnet

Leather And HidesEdit

000DB5D2 Leather

000800E4 Leather Strips

0003AD8E Goat Hide

0003AD8F Cow Hide

0003AD90 Deer Hide

0003AD93 Horse Hide








000*0000A Lockpick

000*0000B Skeleton Key

000*0000F Gold

0002F2F4 Woodcutter's Axe


00038341 FalmerArrow

00034182 DraugrArrow

000236DD TrapDart

00020F02 CWArrowShort

00020DDF CWArrow

000139C0 DaedricArrow

000139BF EbonyArrow

000139BE GlassArrow

000139BD ElvenArrow

000139BC DwarvenArrow

000139BB OrcishArrow

0001397F SteelArrow






The above was pulled from skyrim wiki, I dont take credit for finding any thing in the above lists

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  • 2 years later...

Thanks for the list, but I was wondering can I just use player.modav alchemy 500 to make the skill 500% more powerful rather than using the forify restoration/alchemy loop to get uber potions?

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for the "tfc" command, if you instead do "tfc 1" it freezes all action.

sucsm <number> slows down the movement of the free camera. 20 is default, numbers below 5 are good for close zooms

fov <number> changes your field of view. Default is 70

csb clears screen blood (Cool story, bro)

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pcb - Purge cell buffer

This will free up used memory, often times increasing fps after any given amount of time in game. Best used while in interior cells. However, since it purges cached cells, any cells you visited in the recent past will have to be reloaded completely when reentered.


For adding gold you don't need the zeros just: player.additem f "amount"


Click on a dead guard and type paycrimegold 0 will pay off your bounty.

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