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Draugr Stay Dead


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Some are asleep, and activate when they detect you, so if you are sneaking they might not detect you (I love backstabbing them!)


Others are asleep, and wake up only on certain trigger, like you step through a doorway and several wake up at once down the hall way before you reach them


Finally other are actually dead, and never wake up, as you approach them it gives you option to search their body

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Sometimes they are triggered. So they won't awake unless you do something, such as tripping a trap, opening a chest. Script based events.


Just give them a good slap in the face and then they will wake up.

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Just my opinion, I think some just stay sleeping till you hit them or some how annoy them, I dont think it's a glitch just beth trying to mix it up and not every undead want's to kill you on sight.
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