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[LE] How do I add custom Weapons/Armor to a Standalone Custom Follower?

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Hi there,


please forgive me if my answer sounds stupid, I've just browsed the first and last page of this topic very briefly... but what you're stating about certain armor addons pointing to vanilla models sounds to me like you messed it up with the male / female declaration at some point. Please make sure that you don't mix those - you have to point every mesh and texture to the copies (or originals, depending on how you did it) you are actually using, BUT at the same time, they also have to match the gender which they are used for!


For example, I made a custom female follower and wanted her to wear a certain piece of custom armor from another mod. I took all the necessary files from that mod, put them in custom folders (you should always do that, so you don't provoke any conflicts with already existing mods), edited the armor / armor addon entries in my ESP so that they point to those files AND to the correct gender in that case. I believe there are default models as a "fallback" if nothing else is specified. Those might be the vanilla models (or nude bodies) you are seeing, I don't know.


Also, please keep in mind that some armor mods have their textures "hard coded" into the mesh, meaning, you can't just copy the files to a folder of your choice, but would also have to edit the meshes with NifSkope or similar tools to update texture paths. Another reason for "invisible" body parts might be, if you're mixing body types. There's a reason why CBBE armors won't work with the UNP body or vice versa. But I guess you already know that.


I'm still learning the Creation Kit myself, kind of, so maybe we could help each other here. Now I've got some little experience with that since I got it to work properly for my own mod (as I said), so if you want me to read the whole topic again and give you my elaborate thoughts, feel free to ask.


ta those who find this late, I found this very helpful on this topic http://www.loverslab.com/topic/32139-from-a-noob-for-noobs-creating-a-standalone-armor-mod-tutorial/

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