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Never enough arrows!


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I've heard it been said from Bethesda that the lack of arrows is somewhat deliberate. They apparently saw the entire bow and arrow thing is overpowered and wanted to nerf it slightly by reducing the amount of arrows (instead of just reducing the damage, like smart developers would've done).


I never use the bow as my sole weapon choice, so I never run out of arrows. I actually have so many I just sell the things, because I hardly ever use bows (never on pure melee, unless I want to level up, and only for sneak/sniping purposes on stealth-based games).


If there really is a considerable lack of arrows (and I think there is, in comparison to Oblivion), then I find it rather stupid that they've added in an Archery skill with a bunch of perks. This wouldn't be too bad if the perk that rewards more arrows from corpses came earlier than it does already (it's easily one of the most useful ones, because none of the other perks do much good if you can't shoot anything).


[e] Does anyone know if there are Daedra Arrows? I know there are Ebony Arrows. In fact, I can get an unlimited amount of those (albeit in pretty slow quantaties). It's a fairly simple method, requiring only one Ebony Arrow, a bow to fire them, and a partner to fire them (Lydia works well enough).


Find a partner you can give the bow and arrow to, then remove any other weapons they might have from their inventory (noting that hirelings have default weapons and armour). Then hope and pray they just constantly use the bow (I'm hoping there'll be a mod that lets you force a follower into one combat style).


Your followers never run out of arrows. Give them one arrow and it'll last them the entire game. Any arrows that get "stuck" in a corpse, any arrows you can retrieve from a corpse as loot, are yours for the taking. You won't get many (very rarely more than single digits) but you'll get some... eventually.

Edited by MrTastix
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Really? I'm surprised anyone could be running out of arrows. I've consistently had well over 200 at any given point in the game, and I've been selling all the iron ones I get for a while now. Never bought any. Since I really focus on sneak attacks, I tend to kill enemies in 2 or 3 shots and since every other or at least every third enemy is an archer, you pick up about 17 arrows from them. If you want to stock up, I got a bunch from pick-pocketing all the guards in Markarth Tower (was just trying to level pick-pocketing) while the were sleeping. Walked out with over 200 Steel Arrows. The same would probably be true of any guard tower in any town.
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Making bows weaker isn't a good solution. They purposely made bows stronger than they were in Oblivion because they knew that people would need to use them against dragons. The limited quantities of higher end arrows is actually consistent with TES games in general, it just wasn't noticed so much in Oblivion since you started seeing elven arrows or better by level 20 on just about every bandit.


As for your arrow woes. Best solution is to buy them from blacksmiths when you see them and stock up. If you're needing arrows when out hunting, Ancient Nordic ones are plentiful and of decent damage with a good bow. Save the higher damage ones for dragons or assassinations when you really need the damage boost.


Strangely enough though, there are no enchanted arrows anywhere.

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They apparently saw the entire bow and arrow thing is overpowered and wanted to nerf it slightly by reducing the amount of arrows (instead of just reducing the damage, like smart developers would've done).



Raising the damage on archery was deliberate as well, unless you really want to go back to Oblivion pincushion archery. Death by paper cuts, anyone? :)

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Making bows weaker isn't a good solution. They purposely made bows stronger than they were in Oblivion because they knew that people would need to use them against dragons. The limited quantities of higher end arrows is actually consistent with TES games in general, it just wasn't noticed so much in Oblivion since you started seeing elven arrows or better by level 20 on just about every bandit.


I've never ever had to use a bow to bring down a dragon. Magic is just as viable. So is being patient, though not many I know are good with that.


When you get Dragonrend you can just spam that and cleave the little shits heads off. But I do understand your point, since admittedly, having a decent Archery would've made so many fights easier.


Raising the damage on archery was deliberate as well, unless you really want to go back to Oblivion pincushion archery. Death by paper cuts, anyone?


Yeah, I suppose. I found it fairly easy to kill people with bows on Oblivion but it required a large investment of time to get a high Archery before you actually did do decent damage.

Edited by MrTastix
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