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ENB Anxiety


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Thanks for the replys, unfortunately I am back at ground zero as far as ENB and MO goes. I have some how developed kind a snafu in my game. Now I am not saying it was the ENB of MO, but I have a player house that I made quite awhile ago (year or so) and since I started messing with them....well I will let the screen shot do the talking.

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sorry about back to back, but wanted to add two screenshots and too big to be in the 250kb range. Yup, Party at Jenaveve's place!! (0; Now what is real weird about this is in this crowd we have Rustleif - Dawnstar, Chief Burguk and his date's Gharol and Murbul - Dushnikh Yal, Cosnach - Markarth, Enmon - Karthwasten, Zaria- Falkreath, Bolar - Narzulbur, Vignar - Jorrvaskr (Whiterun) Vittoria Vici - Solitude, Horm - Katla's Farm and many more. Now inside the house we have guest (skipping the name's this time) from Mor Khazgur, Mixwater, Narzvlbur, Falkreath, Dawnstar, Agna's Mill, Whiterun, Darkwater Crossing and more. I have also came across four or five Forsworn, just walking down the road like, How ya'll doing. I have ran into people from Whiterun just walking down the road by Solitude. The blades lady (don't recall he name) in the Bannered Mare. So long story short, I started trying to figure out what happened, started removing different things, COT, COT patch, Supreme Storms and so on with no luck. Next MO, still no luck. So I took the Skyrim folder, deleted it and replaced it with the one I saved (on different drive before all this started) and it's still there. I am going to try to drop back a few saves back and see if that works later on tonight. After I get this whole mess straightened out, I will once again, make a copy of the folder and see about the ENB thing.

Thanks again for all the help, You guy's rock

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I don't think ENB or any weather or lighting mods should really have anything to do with NPCs. What does your mod list and order look like?


You can find your mod list in Mod Organizer through \MO_install_location\Mod Organizer\profiles\Default\ (Default could also be whatever Mod Organizer profile you made).


In Nexus Mod Manager, I think it is in \NMM_install_location\Nexus Mod Manager\Mods\Skyrim\moddata\ModProfiles\jre4gnoj\ (that last part might be randomly generated)

Edited by icecubetray
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Well I tried deactivating/uninstall everything added after I noticed the issue, didn't help. So thought about what I have done that could have changed this. I did add a few things (storage and stuff) to the exterior of the house so went to change the navmesh accordingly and discovered that a whole chunk of it was never navmeshed outside the fence area. got that done and for the most part (still had a few stragglers but figured with time hopefully with time they would head back home) seemed to clear out the people from the outside, but not the interior. Finally got pissed off enough to where I just deleted the mod )-; was kinda tired of that place anyhow. So now (so far) all is good.

Doesn't really solve the "why it was doing it" part of the post, but does resolve the problem. So back on the ENB thing. Will read a bit more about it, watch a few more videos and try it again. I don't assume that it is supposed to be that dark!! This has been done thousands of times so I know it works. I think it might of been when I followed the S.T.E.P. video and messed with the fGamma but not sure. Either way I'm past the initial "Anxiety" part of it because I had it working. Thanks again for all the help, links and advice.

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