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Melee Weapon Range


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Hello all, I am new to these boards (despite my join date) but so far enjoying all the Skyrim talk.


I've been trying to compare the melee range of two-handed weapons (greatsword, greataxe, warhammer) against their one-handed counterparts (longsword, battleaxe, mace) but I haven't been able to find a remotely scientific way of testing to determine the difference. By range I mean a linear distance from the player.


Each category, so far as I can tell, have equal range (i.e. greatsword same as greataxe & warhammer). You would think that the double-handers would outrange the singles, but it doesn't seem to be the case. They seem about equal.


Also I haven't been able to tell if either weapon type has a better cone of attack - by that I mean how far left/right of the crosshair will register a hit. Seems about equal, but its awkward to test. This is of course, ignoring the final Two-Handed perk 'Sweep'.


Does anyone have a more conclusive answer? The reason I am curious is because I was hoping that the Greatsword would have some advantage over the Longsword beyond better damage. Also the talk of introducing spears in the mod forum would be kind of pointless (no pun intended) if melee range could not be altered.

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In addition to what the poster above said, my current play through as a dual wielding dagger user has demonstrated repeatedly that two-handed weapons have a (dangerously) longer reach than one handed weapons, much less daggers. I can move back or to the side of many one-handed attacks (particularly power attacks), but any enemy using a two-handed weapon pretty much forces me to tank and attempt to kill him as quickly as possible; I cannot move fast enough to get out of the weapon's range before it hits, no matter than the attacks are very slow. Two-handed weapon users have caused more reloads than anything else. It also doesn't help that the AI continually keeps them backing up out of dagger range.
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