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Whoa Whoa Whoa, wait... hold on let me catch my breath.. ok special case?
Alb is a speical case I think.
Whats up with Alb? I'm fine with being a member but in the future who knows.
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Well, I think it is just something that came from being on certain boards for a long while. Like, I believe, Albareth had been on the old MWC boards, and it was some kind of joke, so Dark0ne gave Albareth his group title. You'll also notice Daerks group, Daerk. It's just something Dark0ne did for the heluvit.
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Heh... on the old MWC forums we had a spammer who would make sure each post he made had relevance to the thread topic and added useful content to the post, but he posted roughly 50 or so posts a day for a long time.


His name was GPS, and he wanted fluffy pink stars under his name instead of the standard coloured stars. In this forum it's small squares. After about half a year of begging for his fluffy pink stars, Dark0ne caved in -- errr... I mean... was generous... and gave him his fluffy pink stars and pink name.


Albareth is a different person, but has a similar story. He is leader of Teh ub3r Bunneh of teh 1337 pinkn355, and Comrade Commander of the Pie Brigade.


He's usually in the MEMod IRC rooms, and is one of the few long-time members in IRC.


He has a special group and title because of this and other reasons.


And I made my own group. I'm an admin on these forums. ;D


-- D

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