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Problem with world objects appearing through terrain.


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Pretty much what it says on the tin; I keep having world objects, mainly bushes and rocks, appear through the ground, walls, other objects as if they were on top.



These are just some simple ones, I have more of cars popping through as well. I have too many mods installed to tell which is doing it, but it started soon after I installed an ENB. Does anyone know what causes this, and how to fix it?

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Sounds like this problem. See if one of the solutions there isn't of some help.




Yes it is, and was. That helped fix it, thanks. You'd think after working on mod projects with others I'd know what to do, but this isn't my wheelhouse.

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Heck, this IS my wheelhouse and I still learn new stuff all the time. It's a complex subject, with lots of nuances. No one ever knows it all. I didn't know anything about ENB a month ago.



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