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Wouldn't a Divine Intervention spell cause players to miss events? Im thinking of the thieves guild quest where...



you have to kill the guild master and escape the flooding dungeon, if the player teleported out of the flooding dungeon they would miss the start of the next quest, returning the key.



This has always been a large issue with the mark/recall spells, or anything like teleportation or leaving a dungeon early, I remember a quest in Oblivion where you were approached for a quest while leaving a dungeon, but if you teleported out it would break the quest. So what does it come down to? Either I have to find some way to dis-allow these types of spells to be used for ALL sorts of quests, or the users would have to tread with light feet when using it in interior spaces.


A warning not to use it during quests should be enough, sadly it won't stop some blaming you for breaking their game. :rolleyes:

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I would like a spell that makes a dublicate of yourself. Can either be used as a companion or sparring partner :P

Another one would be a spell that creates a magical eye that you can control and fly around with while examining your surroundings for a limited time. Of course, during this time you shouldn't be able to move your own body :)

Edited by amycus
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Wouldn't a Divine Intervention spell cause players to miss events? Im thinking of the thieves guild quest where...



you have to kill the guild master and escape the flooding dungeon, if the player teleported out of the flooding dungeon they would miss the start of the next quest, returning the key.



This has always been a large issue with the mark/recall spells, or anything like teleportation or leaving a dungeon early, I remember a quest in Oblivion where you were approached for a quest while leaving a dungeon, but if you teleported out it would break the quest. So what does it come down to? Either I have to find some way to dis-allow these types of spells to be used for ALL sorts of quests, or the users would have to tread with light feet when using it in interior spaces.


A warning not to use it during quests should be enough, sadly it won't stop some blaming you for breaking their game. :rolleyes:



Some people just don't, ermm, this is what they look like.







I would like a spell that makes a dublicate of yourself. Can either be used as a companion or sparring partner :P

Another one would be a spell that creates a magical eye that you can control and fly around with while examining your surroundings for a limited time. Of course, during this time you shouldn't be able to move your own body :)


Maybe a TFC effect set to a timer? Not sure if that one goes through walls... did you perhaps get that idea from the Eye of Killrog? And as for a duplicate, maybe a version of your actor with a celestial looking texturing. ;)

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Maybe a TFC effect set to a timer? Not sure if that one goes through walls... did you perhaps get that idea from the Eye of Killrog? And as for a duplicate, maybe a version of your actor with a celestial looking texturing.


I actually havn't heard of "eye of killrog" before. Looks like I will have too google it after posting this :P


Here are some more requests though, and THIS time I do base the ideas on my all time favorite game, BG2:


Meteor rain:

Call down raining meteors across a field of your choice. High damage if hit, but unless there are several enemies gathered in the area (or the enemy is big enough), the chance of it actually hurting something isn't very high. Only works outdoors.


Dragon's breath:

Summons a dragonskull from the groun. that will shoot a quite narrow but long stroke of fire that hurts all enemies straight in front of it. Even after the spell is over, the path right in front of you will be burning, giving fire damage to anyone trying to cross.



Simple, makes you move a lot faster for 45 sec.



Shapechange to random creature. 5% chance that it will be a dragon :dance: (you knew the subject would come eventually)


Other wishes that might be offtopic, but here goes: fixes so that enemies don't know where you are, even though you are invisible, once you have been seen once.

Fixes so that your damage output in destruction spells scales with your skill in destruction (I think it doesn't in the vanilla game for some reason?)

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http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3413 < There it is, ladies and gents! Midas Magic for Skyrim! This has a bound pickaxe currently (I think it was mentioned in some posts) but I still plan on an ore extraction spell when the CK comes out :)


And now another idea I just got:

Shrink and enlarge. Either on yourself (shrink to bypass enemies easier if you havn't spent perks in the sneak tree, but makes you vulnerable, or enlarge yourself to get giant strength), or on objects... or perhaps even enemies (why you would want to enlarge an enemy I'm not sure, but shrinking an enemy should be useful).


Another idea that I once got and shared in an old oblivion thread (not sure what happened to that project) would be a necromancy spell that makes skeleton arms shoot out of the earth, grabbing the enemy and pulling them down. Of course, both the enemy's corpse and loot would be forfeit.


I'm just throwing out some ideas here, personally I have no idea how hard these things are to make, since I only know how to make armor for the moment. :biggrin:



And as for a duplicate, maybe a version of your actor with a celestial looking texturing. ;)

Personally I would try to go for the effect that the ebony mail gives you while sneaking. Of course, it's your mod :thumbsup:

Edited by amycus
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