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The console should be able to disable it. Are you sure you're doing it right? All you should have to do it click on the object and then type in "disable" in the console and hit enter, then exit out of the console.

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You can make Scrap Everything (and potentially other mods) work on objects like this using some configuration settings. Please read everything in the following post as this method has known issues and can cause poor performance or strange behavior if not understood.


1. Open or create Fallout4Custom.ini. You can find this file and other configuration files in: %userprofile%/Documents/my games/Fallout4

2. Under the "[General]" heading change "bUseCombinedObjects=1" to "bUseCombinedObjects=0". If the general heading doesn't exist or the entry doesn't exist create them.

3. Save the file and open your game. You should now be able to delete the mesh using Scrap Everything -- other mods may or may not work.


In the end your FalloutCustom4.ini should look something like this (obviously you might have other entries):


Keep in mind that this method has some issues that you should be aware of before using it:


1. It can lead to significantly poorer performance in areas like the downtown as you are disabling a performance optimization setting to allow for this. Test this by going downtown and see if you find it playable before committing to the change. I have a modestly powerful video card but this setting causes performance to degrade significantly downtown -- don't assume your PC is up to the task, make sure it is.


2. Keep in mind that this empowers you to delete things that you really shouldn't. You should absolutely commit to saving before building and understand the risks of doing so. For example, in the alley settlement outside of the Diamond it's entirely possible to delete buildings with this (and not in the way you might think), causing graphical glitches and pathfinding issues.


3. If this setting is changed back (or deleted from your ini file) the old objects will return as if they weren't deleted. They (if I remember correctly) will disappear again if you set bUseCombinedObjects to 0 again. This might be a way to handle the performance hit if you absolutely want to have it but can't handle the low FPS in certain areas -- you can set "bUseCombinedObjects=0" when you're building and doing settlement stuff and "bUseCombinedObjects=1" if you want to explore, just keep in mind it will make your settlements look crazy while bUseCombinedObjects is set to 1.

Edited by NorthWolf
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That WORKS!!!!


Took a lengthy stroll around Hubris Comics and perf seems good. THANK YOU, NorthWolf!!!!!!


It should have other benefits in terms of what you can delete, so enjoy. One of the essential settings for actually enjoying settlement building in my opinion if you can handle the FPS hit.



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