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The Westeros Project


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So get the f*** outta here. This is a talk. If you can create the mod, you may need ideas. That is why we discuss. Who knows if an experienced modder come here and see "Oh, good ideas. I'll do it".


If you don't have ideas, nor want to do, get out.


Gee, thanks for the attitude. You really don't have to be snarky. I give you information, as a 3d artist and a mod maker, and you go berserk? If you don't want to know, why you you make a topic?

By all means, you will surely get good attention biting people like that.


But, as you wish. I'll be gone now. You can bite at somebody else.

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This would be my dream come true. I actually tried this myself in Oblivion. I love creating NPCs and towns and cities and actually find it quite easy and relatively fast, but creating the land-mass was beyond my scope of ability. I agree with a previous poster, if someone would create the actual land mass for Westeros this project would take off like a rocket.
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  • 3 weeks later...

And i dont see any reason to include any magic like it is in Skyrim and i dont think anyone would be bothered by it since people that would play it are going to come in expecting Song of ice and Fire - not a setting like it but with Skyrim magic.


Improving melee and archery would be very welcome on the other hand.

And having some weather effects like cold and darker nights and so on - be more serious and "realistic".


This, but also remove shouts and Dragons. I know there are Dragons in A Song of Ice and Fire - but there aren't any Dragonborn (with the ability to use shouts i mean) and there is 0% chance of running into a Dragon randomly. So unless its in a different time period than the books take place in, there can only be 3 dragons in the entire world, and all 3 are either Too small to fly far from Dany, Leashed, or Unkillable (As killing one of them would probably ruin the story)


Good Luck making this mod!

Edited by MagusShade
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As a non-modder, I'm planning on building some of the locales (as envisioned by HBO) in minecraft.


It might not be a bad place to start yourself. Minecraft = legos. Legos = models. models = planning. planning = success !


-Make a simple MC version of winterfell.

-Improve upon it, improve some more.

-Choose a section or building you want to focus on.

-Recreate that MC section in Skyrim.

-Repeat until you have all the pieces of the locale.

-Put them together.


All of a sudden it's not as daunting as a task, PLUS, you have this easy to use reference. Sure its clunky, but it is incredibly good at giving you an idea of floor plans, layouts, scale. What might seem like a massive amount of extra work (learning to use MC effectively + building all this stuff in MC) might save you hours/days down the road.


edit: Hey look at that, a quick google found a MC version of winterfell !

Someone could easily "cut/paste" existing assets of the game and use that as a floorplan for their skyrim version.

Edited by expansion
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I agree that this would be an awesome idea, however it would be a HUGE undertaking. Westeros is a HUGE landmass, so far as I can tell. The wall of the north has what.. 13 castles? 16? something like hat and they're all a few days travel between them. If I recall correctly, Deepwood Motte, one of the northwesternmost Castles of the North, not part of the Watch, is 300 miles from Winterfel, which is roughly halfway between the eastern and western coasts of Westeros. Granted, you could scale it down a bit, but you'd still have to design each of the 13 or so holds along the wall, some villages, probably a dozen or so Castles/holds in the North and then the huge lands north of the wall.


Granted, the assets already in the game could easily be used to build the castles and holds, as well as a few caves and such, so there wouldn't be much need for modellers and the like. Draugrs could easily be Wights with Dragon Priests as the Others (though they would have to be modified to only be active at night, possibly burying themselves in the snow during the day or something), and I could see the Wildlings wearing Forsworn armor/weapons, fur armor, iron and steel armor and weapons. Plus the wildlife, such as bears, sabre cats, wolves and the like could be recycled here as well. Honestly, I think the creators of Skyrim took a lot of inspiration from Song of Ice and Fire (Giants + Mammoths anyone?).


I think if you wanted to go this route, you could start with the north and the wall, perhaps in an alternate timeline/universe or something where magic is a bit more commonplace, and the different races coudl be represented by different areas. For instance, I could see Nords being the Northmen, Redguards being the Dornish (Curved. Swords.) Altmer from Highgarden, and so on. (perhaps even remove any elven races from the game, or make them much smaller to server as Children of the Forest, but be unplayable) The one race I really can't see as being in the conversion at all would be Orcs, though.


You would need World Designers, Voice Actors, Quest Designers, Writers for how the Main Quest is laid out and what your purpose in the world is. For some specialty objects, like the Wall and the lifts and stairs to get to the top of the wall, you might need a modeler or two, maybe some new/alternate weapon types that fit more in with the world of Westeros. Also some black armor/clothes to suit the Watch theme.


I'm not much of a Modder myself; I made a mod in Morrowind long long ago that involved a haunted house in that one central city, the name of which escapes me, and I've made a few balance changing mods for Morrowind and Oblivion, and attempted to create another city in Morrowind, that didn't work out too well, as well as a few simple mods for The Sims 2 and 3, but if you manage to get this project off the ground, I would be willing to try and help out how I can.


I think the biggest thing would be first getting the entirety of Westeros mapped out in the world, with designated spots for each of the major Castles/holds, some of the well known Landmarks, and a few villages/towns.

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This wouldn't be any bigger project than the Lord of the Rings project. Like Aaroc said the first step (and biggest) is to get the Westeros topographical map. Detail the towns, castles, taverns, landmark, etc that you want to include in the project. Then a long list of main NPCs to fit in those locations. And minor filler NPCs. The rest of the project is just details and flavor.
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I see you got bilwit's attention.Actually,he is one of the best texturers from the M&B Forums.I really hope this gets along well.But I have a few ideas:

http://shaghaghi.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/westeros-essos-map.jpg-This is the map of Westeros you can use instead of the Skyrim map.The only problem is that the world is large.

Homeland:(Renamed Races)








Iron Islands

Summer Islands

Free Cities

Religion:(Renamed Birthsign)-In each temple there is the statue and the shrine.The shrine will give you the blessing and the statue will give you the religion same as the stones did.

The Old Gods-(Weirwood gives both "birthsign" and blessing)

The Warrior

The Smith

The Father

The Mother

The Crone

The Maiden

The Stranger

Him of Many Faces-You can get blessing from the Pool.

R'Hllor-You can get blessing from the Priests and Holy Braziers.

The Drowned God-You can get blessing from the Drowned Men

The Earth God(Visit the "children of the forest" beyond the wall.Bloodraven will give you both birthsign and blessing).


The game starts at King's Landing,before the execution of Eddard Stark.You come down from a ship and the captain asks you to deliver a letter in Flea Bottom.After you deliver a letter,a little girl steals you the coin purse and runs away.

If you follow her until an old man blocks your way.The man knows the girl and interrogates you where you met her.After some talk you learn that the girl is the Hand's Daughter,Arya Stark and the old man is Ser Barristan the Bold.Barristan bids you to leave the town while Arya to save her father.

If you follow Barristan:You will go either to Essos and join Dany either you can persuade Selmy to go to his cousin Lord Arstan and learn more about the War.Arstan is sided with Renly and so will you.

If you follow Arya;You can save Eddard,but that would kill Sansa both of you would leave for the North and lead an attack vs. Tywin and KL,but Ned will pledge his oath in Stannis.

If you do not follow the girl:

You can take a ship to the Iron Islands and join Greyjoy.

You can join Tyrion by becoming a Goldcloak.At first you are at Joffrey's command but when Tyrion arrives...

You can join Tywin if you ask Cersei to enter in the service of House Lanniste.She will tell you to lead fresh recruits to the Riverlands.

You can join Renly if you go to Highgarden.When Renly is killed you will either remain with Tyrell either go to Stannis.

You can go to Robb and join him.You can even save him from the Red Wedding.

You can join the Martells and win the Game of Thrones through intrigue.

You can Join the Night's Watch in various ways.(Crime is one of them).

You can train to be a Maester.

You can go to the Vale,investigate Lord Arryn's murder and become Lord of the Vale and Warden of the East.This will allow you to position yourself in the war.

You can join Mance.

You can join the Others(and even be one of them through ritual).

Extra Notes:

You can use the Draugr as model for the Wights.The others will need a slightly changed texture and larger model.

You can enable magic only to Red Priests and White Walkers.

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