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The Westeros Project


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Looks like I'm not the only one who would love to see a proper ASoIaF total conversion for Skyrim.


The first step would be a general idea. What should this mod be about? A concept is needed.

Should there be only one storyline or many different ones? What kind of quests? Which houses? Which parts of the world should this play in?


Creating a map would be one of the most basic tasks. Should all of Westeros (and Essos) be available or just scenes with invisible borders like in Mount&Blade and travel between scenes via boat/carriage/horse/foot?

Personally, I'd favor the latter approach, as it would be faster to create and the world of ASoIaF is a story-driven one with more emphasis on intrigues and dialogs than dungeon-crawling and cave-exploration.


Afterwards, models and textures have to be created. Inspiration can come from both the books and the series. The story and possible quests need to be written. Characters have to be created and outfitted. Sounds like a lot of work.

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I suggested this in a thread I started about a week ago, my idea was to focus on the north too, and place the setting during the War of Five Kings.


World - from the wilderness north of the wall to just north of the Twins. 9 castles or cities not counting the wall, should be doable.


Factions - Stark faction, Ironmen faction, Wildlings, Bandits, The Watch, Others, Sellswords and a certain house at a certain point in the story (wouldn't spoil it for those who haven't read that far)


Quest - Defend the North and become a knight or lord in reward.


Misc - Hire sellswords to keep you safe or get assigned a squire. Bards sing The Bear and the Maiden Fair or The Rains of Castamere. The war functions much like the Civil War in Skyrim (take this fort, etc).


That's some of the ideas I had. It would be a big project, but not too extensive I think. Adding all of Westeros would be.

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Here's a few things I've been thinking about for the past few weeks that would make a total conversion mod like this successful.


Magic - This should be reserved for some NPCs, and very few of them at that. Magic should be very, very rare.


Enchanting - All of the current enchantments would have to be re-worked or removed. A world where only two or three swords have the fire enchantment makes those weapons a lot more desirable, especially if they're being held by the head of one of the factions. We could add weapon effects instead. For example, a sword sharpening "enchantment" would give that weapon a 10% increased critical chance, or maybe an increased dismemberment rate. A weighted effect on a blunt weapon could increase the chance to stagger.


Existing Weapons - Remove everything above steel, but add more variety to models with varying damage. Valyrian steel should be the top tier, maybe the 100 level perk. Some of those weapons should also be held by faction heads.


Mobs - More mobs, less hp. Most of the books portray larger scale combat with a lot of bloodshed. An NPC should die from a blow or two, not from 10. Unless they're soldiers in armor, or if it's a Clegane.


Mounted Combat - This should be in anyway, and would add a fun dynamic. At least very least, make archery possible to begin with.


Dragons and Shouts - Remove all dragons for now. The shout element might make sense if it's something akin to the roar you have in werewolf form.


Races - a few people brought up the families or regions as your race and I think that so far that's the best call. Remove Khajits, Argonians, Dunmer, and Altmer. Bosmer could serve as the children of the forest but be unplayable. Most of Westeros would be human in some shape or form with Nords being more from the Northern Regions, Imperials from around King's Landing, and Bretons and Redguards as you move more south.


There's a lot more discussion to be had about this. Hopefully this helps to stir the pot.

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I have been thinking about an Ice and Fire Mod as well. Though i would rather call it "A Mod of Ice and Fire". I guess a total conversion is too ambitious since the modding community (and thous the required ressources) is spread all over different projects once the CK is out.


First of all i would start by watching this Project:

__fromsearch__1#entry4062379"]My link


Combined with a questline and random assasin spawns(belonging to you enemy factions) and towns being sieged by factions that should fit the universe,


Next i would start by creating:

- Characters (Should be relatively simple, though Tyrion would need a unique Model)

- Factions (I would structure those like the civil war questline. pairing with one fraction might give you sympathies with other Fractions Starks - Baratheons, but also define your enemies. Starks don't like Lannisters)

- Locations

- Questline

- Weapons (NEEEEED Ice)


In order to stay close to Skyrim Lore I would suggest the player not beeing one of the Starks but a Targaryon for obvious reasons. Combined with a dragon-rider mod that would give you a nice Aegon I experience ruling Skyrim from Dragonstone.


Winter is coming!

Edited by xyks
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A lot of action is going on in King's Landing and the court. This would be an interesting place for a total conversion.

At the beginning, you could choose to become a fighter (a gold coat), a thief (one of Varys' spiders) or a mage (maester). Afterwards, the story would unfold while you serve your master(s) and perform tasks and sidequests. You will hear what's going on in Westeros and Essos by rumours, explanations, heralds and ravens.


Stark's death could be a major event (thanks to Skyrim's start and the beheading animation), but the siege would be quite challenging. While going through the city, the player could stumble upon Tyrion visiting his girl, Baelish inspecting/managing his establishments and Arya surviving in the slums.


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I Made Castle black in Skyrim along with the wall. Here's some photos: http://bit.ly/GBvC7s

If this mod is still a WIP can you make it available on the nexus and/or the steam workshop so we can test it ???


This project is ...... ambitious and awesome !!! first thing that must be made should be the villages and The Wall.Then after comes the NPCs, the weapons and the armors.

Edited by DDestroyer07
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