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The Westeros Project


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JesseLH and Donker316 - A thousand thanks for your interest, I've put both your names and basic skill sets down on the list.


Since our resident OP has become mysteriously absent lately, I'll officially be taking charge of the project henceforth.


First order of business is 'organising the troops' as it were; we need to all have one platform that we can use to communicate and 'congregate', as well as a dedicated project management system (probably Projecturf).


Once we think we have enough team members and contributors we can begin to plan this thing in earnest, then start actual development.


I think Skype would be the best way for us to communicate, can you guys do that?


Thanks again for your interest.

Edited by benfclark
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I think Skype would be the best way for us to communicate, can you guys do that?



I found Google+'s hangout feature to work more with more consistency and less dropped calls and it's also that handy screen share feature. But I do have skype, if we'd rather go that route.



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What we really need first and foremost is a Height Map. Anyone here having any experience with Them? Generating LOD's has been a problem for some modders I hear, but I know a few who have got them working. If we do the Height Map to scale with Westros, it's gunna be rather large maybe 4-5x bigger than skyrim and thats being optimistic lol!
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Hey all, I'd like to volunteer my service in this project as well! I've done a lot with height maps and Skyrim (here's a screenshot of my earlier project: http://img535.imageshack.us/img535/6465/screenshot10yr.jpg - it took a bit but I managed to get around the LOD issues the creation kit came with). I'm also versed in level design, and would like to consider myself an stronger-than-average story teller / creative writer. I've done a lot of playing around with the Creation Kit, especially in world creation, though I've got a good handle on the rest of it as well, and though I've not experimented with Papyrus, I do know some javascript and am pretty confident I could learn quickly.


Hope you'll take me - I've been yearning for a asoiaf mod for Skyrim since the day it came out. My bethsoft form handle is "tno", though I haven't done much posting there.

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Alright, so it seems to me we could probably give this a few more days, maybe a week, to capture any more interest or other people looking to participate from stage 0, but then there's actually a lot we can do to get started with pre-production.


First thing would be to hold an introductions and planning meeting where we can toss around ideas, figure out exactly what we want to do and how we want to go about it and divvy up responsibilities for Phase 1.


To prepare for the first meeting, 2-3 people should probably work on a basic pre-meeting document that outlines guidelines and goals for the meeting. These will probably look something like this:

1. Agenda for the meeting/how to conduct this in an organized, respectful manner.

2. What is the project's realistic potential?

3. Basic goals to focus on for the mod overall.

4. Basic strategic approach/timeline.

5. Basics of Teams, organization, and communication.


During the meeting we can set up a realistic deadline for the pre-production team have an initial set of pre-production docs created and a outline/timeline for the various projects. Then we can all hold another meeting where the docs will be open for commentary/concerns and then we can get started!


benfclark, I assume you'd like to be one of the organizers planners for this meeting? I'd be happy to help with this as well. Anyone else with good experience planning this sort of thing?


In the mean time, anyone who thinks they might like to contribute can start jotting down ideas (either here or at home on paper), gathering concept art/reference material, digging through the skyrim creation kit wiki, and of course, reading and bookmarking any passages from ASoIaF that might come in handy.


How does that sound?

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Sounds excellent. Jesse. I think we've agreed on Google+ as being the main hub for our activities and 'meetings', and I'll be getting us a subscription to Projecturf so we can manage this thing.


Unfortunately I don't have a great deal of experience in planning, although I'll contribute wherever I can in the initial meeting.


On the note of planning, I've been contacted by a potential story writer on Reddit who has put together an excellent plan for how we could tie in a player-driven story with the plotline of the books. During his planning he suggested that we divide Westeros into regions for each instalment of the mod, the first of these being 'The North', reaching from (hypothetically) The Wall to The Twins. If all goes well King's Landing could be our second chapter.


Of course we'd have to work on logistics related to what we (and the Skyrim engine) can realistically do in terms of size before we plan out our regions.


EDIT: Anybody who is interested in joining the project MUST send their email address via PM so I can add them to the Projecturf page.

Edited by benfclark
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It sounds like I have the least amount of experience in game development here, but still want to be part of the team anyway I can. Also, I had mentioned before, that I started a project like this.....I have a heightmap started based on Tear and SerMountainGoat's map of Westeros. http://www.sermountaingoat.co.uk/map/index.php


This is just a thumbnail but I have a larger photoshop version and a version scaled to realworld coordinates and setup to be broken into quads (Autocad).


Ben, I'll PM you my Email.



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I will help with what I can. You guys can feel free to use my follower mod as a NPC Resource, except the armors of course cause they do not belong to me. I have also asked Omegared99 if he would contribute to the mod with armor and the like. He has already made the Mountain's Armor, Robb's Armor, Lannister Guard Armor, Vardis Helm, and ICE,Gregor's sword, and LongClaw weapons. I agree with releasing section of the mod one by one, it's much more realistic in scope. That way if the project does come t a halt for whatever reason there will be at least a lil to see and explore. As far as Skyping and live video meetings I can't promise I will be available to do those but I will see what my schedule is like. Look forward to working with you guys.
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