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Stop Internet Censorship!


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EU has some really weird censorship practices themselves. They censor anything that has to do with the Nazis even in video games. Censoring the past does absolutely nothing to change it. And I think its pretty cool to be able to put a bullet through the head of some Nazi on a video game.


I don´t know where you got this idea. In which EU country do you live? We do not have that kind of censorship where I come from. Not even Germany has such rules. EU is a great many countries, perhaps you will find one or two with some more strict rules.

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I hate this censorship thing,ı am living in Turkey and our ''great'' goverment said they will censor ''porn'' to ''protect'' children but actually they did was censoring everything against them and they used ''porn'' to deceive people,they are civil dictators using religion to get more votes and they are doing whatever they want since they are the majority in parlement things work like ''their word is law'' :sad: and like this censorship wasnt enough they even offered that preventing us to visit websites out of Turkey but we stopped it for know. Edited by nonsense16
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@dazzer, ok got it wrong :smile:

@Beriallord, wanting to shoot Nazis is also censor ship, when to get to the core of it. Where I come from Nazis are not forbidden. You may not like what they stand for, that is your choice, but in a free democratic society, with free speech and no censor ship, they have a right to speak. :wink:

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@dazzer, ok got it wrong :smile:

@Beriallord, wanting to shoot Nazis is also censor ship, when to get to the core of it. Where I come from Nazis are not forbidden. You may not like what they stand for, that is your choice, but in a free democratic society, with free speech and no censor ship, they have a right to speak. :wink:


Just had to point this out: ACTUALLY shooting them would be censorship, technically. Wanting to isn't. :thumbsup:



The above was a "light-hearted quip" to keep the mood as light as possible and in no way was meant to offend or belittle Balagor. :teehee:

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What we tend to do with the British "Nazi" type parties such as the BNP, is let them rant on, but then if they go over the top and stray into the bounds of incitement to racial or religious hatred, or incitement to hatred on the grounds of a person's sexuality, then they can and do get busted for it. In other words, they will condemn themselves out of their own mouths incredibly readily.
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And I think its pretty cool to be able to put a bullet through the head of some Nazi on a video game.


That. If it were me, yes, it's just a game, but it reciprocates the lack of sensitivity of some in real life. Just noting, nothing serious.

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