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Skyrim Complaints


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My biggest disappointment in Skyrim is the system of magic. Nice and complex magic in Oblivion was basically reduced to simple shooting. Various usefull spells like Unlock, Burden, Silence, Chameleon etc. are removed, spell making is removed and enchanting is reduced basically to enchant weapon for damage, enchant armor for protection and enchant jewellery for increase skill. :(


Also the guild quests are short, simple and there is a low number of quests. For example, in Oblivion, the complete path of the Mages Guild was something like 20 or more quests. In Skyrim, the path to archmage is eight quests.

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Game is very good for me but only thing i would like they added is Hard Core mode like in Fallout New Vegas. The game would be much more interesting and some things would be more useful,like food,sleeping etc. Well all who played Fallout NV in HC mode know what im talking about.
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Yes, Pavel, that's an issue. I can understand simplification for game play reasons (I'm really glad they ditched the whole repair routine, for example), but please, Bethesda: you're making an RPG! When did you wake up one morning and thought "Gee, let's make those quests less involving and interesting" was a good idea? :down: Edited by Stratomunchkin
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My only complaint is that it's sucked up too much time. I've played it for 86 hours now - just under 11 a day since it was released. ;_;
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1) Nerfed armor system, only 4 pieces of armor, only allowed to wear one ring.


2) Small towns, all towns are small as expected nothing interesting in them.


3) Stupid AI, how many times am i going to walk into whiterun and see that annoying guy smacking the window of the general store with a hammer?


4) durgons, never cared about dragons, the story doesn't interest me, also the dragon fights are extremely repetitive and I will often avoid fighting them not because they are hard but because its a hassle almost as much as cliff racers.


5) Menus, UI, The menus and ui are the worst, the only upside is that the UI disappears most of the time.


6) And everything that disappointed me in oblivion returned to disappoint me again.

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it doesn't force you into constantly abusing it to get the most out of it. you can farm smithing anytime and you're not missing out.


a character develoopment system has to be complimentary to the game. Oblivion's was detrimental and forced you to choose between having fun, or playing well.


You have to abuse skyrim's system if you want to get the most out of it. You don't have to abuse it to play well.


You have to abuse oblivion's system if you want to get the most out of it. You don't have to abuse it to play well or have fun, unless your definition of playing well or having fun entails abusing it(which it could, and if it does, go for it).

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well actually there are no major complains only many small ones


mage armors look like crap especially expert and master mage clothing -.-

vampires are really crap, werewolves underpowered

storylines are way too short

combat is a little boring..only few combos

Npc's are braindead

no necromancer guild/ no vampire clan / vigilant of stendar not joinable

sometimes reactions of npc's are completly off... like I am in werwolve form and locked up prionsers want me to free them ...wtf im a blood leeching werewolve dude dont talk to me like i am in human form -.-

dark brotherhood hideout looks worse than in oblivion ( from my point of view that is)


edit: also guards will sometimes say they heard howling and that werewolves legends are true...so what?...so far i have not seen any werewolves other than the companions and this guy from hircines quest -.-


but all that can be fixed with mods so no big deal

Edited by Itachi 92
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It's been said before but the real problem is the UI.


This - and personally I would add the menus to the list. They might be intuitive and easy to use from a console standpoint, but they're tedious on the PC. Next to nothing can be done using the mouse, everything is keyed to the arrows and tab.

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There are also some balancing issues. I'm usually not too keen to comment on core gameplay issues, especially since they are minor issues in Skyrim that could be solved rather easily, but just imagine this:


You are a level 30+ character decked out in custom-made equipment easily worth 5,000+ gold pieces. You are a combat god who frequently deals with dragons. Your armor rating is so 200+. And then you get killed by a levelled bandit character (Bandit Plunderer, IIRC) with an iron great sword in three strikes.


No. Just no.


This isn't how this works. Some kind of buff bandit leader decked out in all kinds of looted equipment, that I could accept. But the above mentioned bandit mook? Sorry, that just the game cheating, especially because I cannot achieve the same effect with a weapon that does like ten times the damage of that iron great sword! I know the reason for this is Bethesda's effort to keep the encounters competitive, but really? The point of me being level 30+ should be that low level mooks would rather flee than face me - or, that if I do face sonmething generic as bandits, I'd wade through them like the Grim Reaper himself.


In a way it's worse than in Oblivion, where wayside brigands ended up being equipped with gear worth enough to buy half a village. But at least those guys had the gear and skill to actually be able to harm me (as little sense as that made). In Skyrim, they don't (have the gear and money) and yet tend to bitchslap me.

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