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Skyrim Complaints


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Give us more buttons for gods sake!!! Very probably it is not that hard to do even afterwards.


WHY do i have only 1 favorites button? Why??? Even my Xboxgamepad cannot be used in full. My D-pad opens the favorite with up and down. Thats all it does. Why cant it be at least like: up: Fav list 1; right: fav list 2; down: fav list 3; left: fav list 4?


I could do so much with something like that for example:



left: left hand spells - defensive

right: right hand spells - offensive

up: one handed Weapons and shields

down: two handed weapons



How awesome would that be?? I dont understand why it isnt possible!!

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Although Skyrim is a "Game of the Year" candidate, it's far from being a perfect game. I wrote an article about my biggest criticisms so far.


Link -> Skyrim: Week One Complaints


To summarize, they are...


- The difficulty system needs work

- They removed complexity that added to the experience

- They crippled the Mercantile and Speechcraft skills

- Companions suck

- Marriage is half-baked

- Quite buggy in general


What are your biggest complaints about Skyrim so far? (if you have any) I'm curious to know!


I actually Started to reply to this but in the middle of writing i thought it was a large enough complaint to have its own thread.


New thread with my complaint

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There are also some balancing issues. I'm usually not too keen to comment on core gameplay issues, especially since they are minor issues in Skyrim that could be solved rather easily, but just imagine this:


You are a level 30+ character decked out in custom-made equipment easily worth 5,000+ gold pieces. You are a combat god who frequently deals with dragons. Your armor rating is so 200+. And then you get killed by a levelled bandit character (Bandit Plunderer, IIRC) with an iron great sword in three strikes.


No. Just no.


This isn't how this works. Some kind of buff bandit leader decked out in all kinds of looted equipment, that I could accept. But the above mentioned bandit mook? Sorry, that just the game cheating, especially because I cannot achieve the same effect with a weapon that does like ten times the damage of that iron great sword! I know the reason for this is Bethesda's effort to keep the encounters competitive, but really? The point of me being level 30+ should be that low level mooks would rather flee than face me - or, that if I do face sonmething generic as bandits, I'd wade through them like the Grim Reaper himself.


In a way it's worse than in Oblivion, where wayside brigands ended up being equipped with gear worth enough to buy half a village. But at least those guys had the gear and skill to actually be able to harm me (as little sense as that made). In Skyrim, they don't (have the gear and money) and yet tend to bitchslap me.


hmm are u playing on master difficulty?


i never actually encountered such strong foes, sometimes it was quite hard but I only got killed by overpowered giants or as a mage in dwarven ruins ......im playing on adept difficulty...btw mages are awesome once they reach 50 destruction skill ^-^

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There's a lack of intrigue & choices, the length of the quests and the lack of immersion. Choises are to forced on you. There is immersion but that's due to the world in general it's beautifull. Somehow i think & feel Bethesda made it easy for themselves by concentrating on making the world beautifull and well made and leave the good content to be made by the modding community.
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I've often said two things of the Elder Scrolls games:


TES VI will ship as only the construction set and a vague plot outline, at the rate Beth is going




TES VI wil take place in an area the size of a city block, have full photorealism, and still have annoying discussions about mudcrabs. Also, you get two skills, stab and zap. Bash was in, but then they decided it would confuse their target demographic. There's one quest. The end.


Thus far, I agree with everything I've seen here, based on videos I've watched. I can't say how I personally feel bout the UI, since I can't play it yet (my craptop won't run it).


the biggest issue is Bethesda likes to borrow stuff from other games (marriage, including same-sex, crafting, companions, and so on) but then sort of phone it all in. It's understandable that they want to compete with games like the Fable series, Dragon Age, and so on, but just throwing it in and calling it a day doesn't cut it. It's like me deciding "I want to make pizza!" then throwing a block of cheese and some tomatoes on a dough circle and calling it good. Sure, they both have dough, cheese, and tomatoes, but the devil is in the details.


Also, economy. I'm not just griping about "Why does this guy only have 20 gold?" I'm talking about this:


I make some iron daggers, and sell them to the smith. I get full price for them every single time. What should be happening is, "Hey, Dragonborn, you already sold me 40 of those. They're not selling as well anymore. I'm only going to give you a gold piece each now." Or worse, a gold piece per 5 or ten, or nothing at all. Bethesda fails at basic economics. A mod implementing something like this would be great.


Also, you craft or brew potions your skill goes up. Fine. But it goes up pretty fast. I think there should be a peak to it. Brewing 100 Fortify Health shouldn't give you 100 Alchemy skill. In World of Warcraft, every crafting recipe has a certain level where they bring diminishing returns. So for instance, if I brew 20 Restore Health, I could expect to level 20 times but then it levels off, and I might level up only every 3 potions, then five, then very rarely, until nothing at all, until I attempt a more difficult potion/weapon/armor item.


These are just my thoughts on this, but a mod could easily correct these things.

Edited by nyxalinth
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I've often said two things of the Elder Scrolls games:


TES VI will ship as only the construction set and a vague plot outline, at the rate Beth is going




TES VI wil take place in an area the size of a city block, have full photorealism, and still have annoying discussions about mudcrabs. Also, you get two skills, stab and zap. Bash was in, but then they decided it would confuse their target demographic. There's one quest. The end.

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I've often said two things of the Elder Scrolls games:


TES VI will ship as only the construction set and a vague plot outline, at the rate Beth is going




TES VI wil take place in an area the size of a city block, have full photorealism, and still have annoying discussions about mudcrabs. Also, you get two skills, stab and zap. Bash was in, but then they decided it would confuse their target demographic. There's one quest. The end.


Thus far, I agree with everything I've seen here, based on videos I've watched. I can't say how I personally feel bout the UI, since I can't play it yet (my craptop won't run it).


the biggest issue is Bethesda likes to borrow stuff from other games (marriage, including same-sex, crafting, companions, and so on) but then sort of phone it all in. It's understandable that they want to compete with games like the Fable series, Dragon Age, and so on, but just throwing it in and calling it a day doesn't cut it. It's like me deciding "I want to make pizza!" then throwing a block of cheese and some tomatoes on a dough circle and calling it good. Sure, they both have dough, cheese, and tomatoes, but the devil is in the details.


Also, economy. I'm not just griping about "Why does this guy only have 20 gold?" I'm talking about this:


I make some iron daggers, and sell them to the smith. I get full price for them every single time. What should be happening is, "Hey, Dragonborn, you already sold me 40 of those. They're not selling as well anymore. I'm only going to give you a gold piece each now." Or worse, a gold piece per 5 or ten, or nothing at all. Bethesda fails at basic economics. A mod implementing something like this would be great.


Also, you craft or brew potions your skill goes up. Fine. But it goes up pretty fast. I think there should be a peak to it. Brewing 100 Fortify Health shouldn't give you 100 Alchemy skill. In World of Warcraft, every crafting recipe has a certain level where they bring diminishing returns. So for instance, if I brew 20 Restore Health, I could expect to level 20 times but then it levels off, and I might level up only every 3 potions, then five, then very rarely, until nothing at all, until I attempt a more difficult potion/weapon/armor item.


These are just my thoughts on this, but a mod could easily correct these things.



well you said some correct things but it kinda sounds like skyrim is worse than dragon age or fable III o.O....skyrim kicks every game deep in its ass...fable 3 or dragon age were so crapy that i didnt even finish them cos i got bored after few hours..skyrim isnt perfect and needs improvement from mods BUT it is an epic game no matter how you look at it! skyrim is equal to games like final fantasy 7 /crisis core/ gta san andreas gta 4 and other legendary games in my opinion...actually the best game I have played so far which will become perfect with some decent mods

Edited by Itachi 92
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1) Nerfed armor system, only 4 pieces of armor, only allowed to wear one ring.


2) Small towns, all towns are small as expected nothing interesting in them.


3) Stupid AI, how many times am i going to walk into whiterun and see that annoying guy smacking the window of the general store with a hammer?


4) durgons, never cared about dragons, the story doesn't interest me, also the dragon fights are extremely repetitive and I will often avoid fighting them not because they are hard but because its a hassle almost as much as cliff racers.


5) Menus, UI, The menus and ui are the worst, the only upside is that the UI disappears most of the time.


6) And everything that disappointed me in oblivion returned to disappoint me again.

Thx man, you can continue playing MW3 then.

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My character has over 500 health, and I was actually 1hko'd by an ice storm spell cast by the guy below meridia's shrine. The spell does about 50 damage, double that plus 20% and you got 120 max dual cast, but somehow I was hit for 500ish. Can someone explain? This wasn't multiple ticks it was 1 hit in the face, dead, immediately. I also got around 40% frost resist. Other mages with ice storm didn't do that much, only the guy below meridia's shrine, normally the spell tickles and I don't even care to get hit by it. I'm pretty sure its a bug, because I never saw the same effects replicated with any spell doing way more damage than it should. Unless there is something in there that debuffs my frost/magic resist by like 5000%, its a bug. Edited by Beriallord
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Oblivion was better. More complex in leveling. Now i can go and lvl without any more work... I liked mandatory sleep in vanila game. Mods made mandatory sleep as every human should and basic needs... Im playing Skirim just to finish it on vanila settings with little tweaks like almost no health regeneration, death camera last longer and timescale set to 5 from 30. In game few days passed and I didnt see real night and this is annoying. I hope soon somebody will make real night mod then there will be sense in using night vision spells and torches. Now it is pointless to use them so why they added that spells that allow to see in dark as there is no real dark in this game :/ I played F:NV before any mod that made darker nights so I made it by myself but program that I used is not working on Skyrim or maybe I just forgoted how to use it :) or maybe GECK is not working on Skyrim... Anyway I will wait for mod or for program that will allow me to edit weather parameters... Why programmers are not making night properly in games :/ Simple thing would be to put darkening of a night in settings. To bad that they are not thinking they just making games for money only. Good thing is that games from bethesda are very modable.


Please somebody make weather mod that will darken skyrim world and interiors too. It will make more immersion to travel in dark cuz now it is so boring to walk at Skyrim "night"

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