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Was Multiplayer in oblivion Over thinked to where you thought it was i


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Was Multiplayer in oblivion Over thinked to where you thought it was impossible but really its possible if you really turn the table old school?



So I was reviewing past Mods and from other games that had a very nice modding capabilities but no access to the core parts of the game. I noticed a common thing and please correct me if I'm right or wrong but most of the stuff was pretty much done with a third party program and information was being sent out to a text file or something similar like that and it was really not that good.


Does this make sense? Now the problem from most of it was syncing everything up and etc that just made it impossible am I correct again on this?


Then why not make something more basic something more like random dungeon you can pick with a friend through a little neat interface? Why not even more simple and just purely record game stats and share it over a network with friends so they can see it through their game. Nothing global or anything over 1000's of people because 99% of them will cheat. But I find a lot people are getting bored of skyrim faster and these are the pc players. Why? Because they are so use to MP games in everything even in a basic form or even way to show off your stats not just achievements now.


I really think it would be amazing enough to just have your friend even ghost around your world like Fable 2 was it? where you can see them as a wisp but I'm sure we could make it more complex.


Anyways think about the basics pure basics really dumbed down and then work slowly from there. Make sure everything is configurable and I think whoever does this will end up being the number 1 mod. Who would not want even the basics? Chat and a wisp friend haha :)

Edited by kanechart
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Yeah...multiplayer does not mean MMO. I for one would love to see a sandbox co-op that I could just play around in with some friends. Have it work outside a current save game environment so it doesn't mess up progression in single player progression.


I think handling it like Rockstar's handling of multiplayer sandbox for GTA IV would be most ideal. A third party program, or even a recompiled co-op exe would be necessary to set up a whisper/listen system. It would need to track multiple active cells in the game world, but ideally it would be best if each individual player's computer did that instead of the "server". All NPCs are already on a schedule system anyways, so as long as the time cycle between each computer is synched, it should be no problem to maintain active cells like that.


Now I understand the aversion to playing TES as a multiplayer of some form. But I for one would enjoy the ability to interact with friends of mine in a sandbox environment if nothing more than to just hang out and chat.


The idea sounds simple, but the in practice methods would require some serious programming chops.

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But I find a lot people are getting bored of skyrim faster and these are the pc players. Why? Because they are so use to MP games in everything even in a basic form or even way to show off your stats not just achievements now.


I'm not sure I agree with you here but then I don't really have a basis to back that up except personal experience and observation from past Bethesda Gamebryo based games and even before then. There are PLENTY of folks that have invested many hours into these games. Elder Scrolls Series and the Fallout Series thus far (At least FO:3 and FO:NV). Where ARE these people that are already getting bored with Skyrim? However...


As for multiplayer in Skyrim, It's been a desire of a lot of people to have Multiplayer. I can't quote sources at the moment but I know this has been a direction that Bethesda has never really wanted to go with regards to these games. I agree that a multiplayer component could add quite a bit of entertainment into the game and would love to see it. But... I also believe that Elder Scrolls is intended to be about YOU as the central character in a huge story and the impact you have. I think that a Multiplayer would diverge from that intention, however if you could somehow remove the scripted quests, and Radiant AI could take over for dynamically generating quests for two and you just simply enjoyed the world together with a friend, that could be a lot of fun.

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There is a lot of technical and logical issues you would have to come over. A simple example would be if you and your buddy go into different directions and each of you solves a quest on his own. How is that quest handled for the other player? Are they in a team and it gets solved for both and the fun is gone for the 2nd player? The technical issue would be to sync all the data of objects moved by the other player. Objects seem to stay persistent in their place where you left them so you'll have to sync the database for that between the clients. If a 3rd player would join he would need to download all records first. The only easy way I see is to have auto generated content and enemies scaling dynamically with the amount of players. Similar to what Borderlands does. But you'll by this lose the quest lines more or less I think or players joining a server will have take what is left on that server.


No, I think Bethesda is very right in not wasting resources for a multiplayer part for their TES games. I love their single player game experience, they did a good job, it is exactly what I wanted except the *uck console menu.

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Multi-player didn't work not only because of various synch issues, but also because there were differences between the two game worlds and there were only so many things that you could replicate using an NPC to stand in for the other player before the NPC's base AI would start to interfere. Judging from what I've seen of the AI in Skyrim, it's better, but I still imagine that there would be significant problems.
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Like I said start basic. How about socializing, Seeing your friends, Trading with your friends, Everything else for now is your own world still.. You just see them as more of a ghost image? Start small! Even that would get a lot of hits and attractions to.
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