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Was Multiplayer in oblivion Over thinked to where you thought it was i


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There was Shoe, and it was every bit the disaster you'd expect.


A lot of people want a multiplayer mod for Skyrim, a LOT of people, hell earlier in the year a guy was so desperate for it he offered to pay people to make it. But that doesn't change the fact that they simply don't work. Trust me on this, I've actualy worked on these mods, they are technological nightmares. Synching even two Skyrims together is extremely dificult, but since two players will literaly each have a diferent geopolitical landscape, it would potentialy cause permanent save game damage aswell. The technology challenges you face working on mqaking a game that was made a singleplayer for good reason, multiplayer, are immense, and go far beyond a "mod"


What needs to be done is, rather, more of a totalconversion, and nothing short of a dev studio would even stand a chance. I know a lot of you will read this and go "hmph! nasty doubter, I'll make multiplayer Skyrim over the weekend" but trust me, it ain't gonna happen, most likely ever, and even if it could, not for atleast a year post CS release. The amount of thing's you'd need to alter is huge, but you'd also most likely have to make a bespoke server system just to create the connection-you'd essentialy be re-coding half or more of the game, and asuming you're not a Bethesda employee, doing it on unfamiliar code aswell. I've worked on two major multiplayer mods, and I know full well as a result, that they are absolutely unmanageable from a technological standpoint, devour enormous amounts of effort, and tend to be very expensive to make.


Even when they do work, they're painfully unreliable, contain a list of gamebreaking bugs longer than Route 66 and don't actualy play very well as multiplayer games. You'd need to be on the same version of the game, same language version, but you also have to turn off an uninstall all other mods aswell. The netcode is fearsomely laggy and what do you even get? I've played Oblivion co-op, and it was actualy less fun than vanilla, since it CTD'ed about every ten minutes if you were lucky.

Edited by Vindekarr
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I am just curious what the purse someone offered for this was. Curiosity kills.


Personally I can understand being willing to finance your mod dreams, I have a budget for my mod as well, if I have to pay for some work I will.






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