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Oblivion Style Map Mod Request?


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Im not sure exactly how much work would have to go into this but would it be possible to create a world map for Skyrim similar to Oblivions?


By which I mean taking the map of Skyrim and adding the game locations to it.






Any help would be much obliged :)

Edited by Nicorius
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Im not sure exactly how much work would have to go into this but would it be possible to create a world map for Skyrim similar to Oblivions?


By which I mean taking the map of Skyrim and adding the game locations to it.






Shouldn't be too hard once the creation set is released I wouldn't think, since there is already a mod that allows you full control of the map camera, would just need to place a high res map like that from oblivion, and constrain the camera to viewing that. It may need to be placed high in the sky (or deep underground with some way to mirror it) for this to work though. (to make all the locations align on the 2D map, since they shouldn't be changed as NPCs use these same markers for navigation when traveling IE guards traveling to riverwood)


The main reason I would want something like this is so that the roads are visible, which is my main issue with the map as present, and that could be remedied by LOD adjustments, or overlays, think google maps in satellite view. My only concern is since the map view is the world as is, that any such changes would be visible in the normal game, and some way would have to be come up with to overcome this. (IE a script to enable and disable the object when the game is not in the map view, if scripting engine has the capability to detect variables such as this I do not know, and since the game is paused when you do so, I doubt it is, but if not I'm sure a script extender would allow it.)

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Adding this map in conjunction with the game's default map would be nice.


Like being able to switch between an atlas view and a satellite view of the earth in Google maps, or even if you zoom out further than the game's default map line of sight.



Would that be possible?

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