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18 Skill Trees: 4+ Broken?


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Currently the following skill trees are broken:


Blacksmithing - Can create weapons/armor that are 4-5 times better than anything in the game

Pickpocket - The only decent skill in the entire tree is Extra Pockets.

Lockpicking - Even with 5 skill in lockpicking one can easily pick a master lock. Worthless tree. Treasure hunter increases the chance you'll find special treasure by 50%. Great...so 50% of 10 is 5. A whopping 15% chance of finding rare treasure. Chances are its actually lower than this.

Enchanting - Much like Blacksmithing in the sense that you can create enchantments 4-5 times better than anything you will find.


Now some will argue that sacrificing skill points in BS/Enchanting reduces the number of skill points you will have in combat related skill. There are plenty of skill points available, it won't hinder your combat unless your choosing poorly. 1 shotting dragons with weapons with a base damage of 670 is obviously broken.


So basically 20% of the available skill trees are currently unavailable unless you want to A) Break the game B) Invest points in worthless trees


Was any playtesting conducted at all?

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You forgot to mention that bs and enchanting only really get broken by enchants and potions that even further enhance the skill. And not just some slight bonus, more like (I'm not at that level yet, but I've read somewhere I think) 200%.
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Yeah i noticed that, too, as im sure many other people did here aswell. Sneak (+damage) also seems somewhat unbalanced. Obviously right now, the developers can only do so much at once. Maybe they will fix it in an future update or not. Either way, by the end of the day, mods are what will make this game really shine. Edited by Nadimos
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Smithing/Enchanting only seem broken if you go out of your way to game/abuse the system. So far, I've been letting those two skills level up naturally - and the stuff I'm able to make is slightly better than what I'm finding, but not game-breakingly so.


So far I'm up to being able to smith Dwarven stuff and improve it twice as much and so far it feels appropriate for where I'm at in the game.

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I agree partly with the Zurrok. You don't have to abuse it. But someone else in an other thread mentioned that he wants to make the best possilbe character AND play the game fairly. He doesn't feel like holding back. I can understand that too.

LP and PP: Yeah. They're rubbish. It is a super great game as it is now but mods will make it what we will remember it in a few years.

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