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No Dragons at Lairs


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I'm missing dragon's at their lairs. Random Dragons eppear, but the Dragons Lairs I discover are empty. Sometimes a few skeletons appear, but I can't finish the lairs (still marked on map as unfinished) because there are no dragons to kill. So there should be dragons, but there aren't any. Here's what I tried:


- I already continued the story to the point where dragons appear (Now I have to get the first elder scroll)


- Wait for 31 days ingame and revisited Dragon Lairs - still no Dragon


- Discovered new Lairs - No Dragons there


- Don't fast travel to Lairs - approched from distance - no dragon there


Strange: At the Lair south of Riften is a dragon. He's flying around but then disappears without attacking me. Even if I mad him enemy by shooting him in the air.





Edited by motaboy
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More info needed:

What main quest are you at?

Are you trying at night?

Perhaps you have already killed them (elsewhere or nearby)?

What mods are you running?

Dragonborn DLC? If so, have you tried Solstheim?

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Thanks for your reply!


- I'm at the quest where I just got my first Elder Scroll to call Aldurin. So Dragons should be there.

- I tried at day & at night

- I only killed randomly appearing Dragons and the ones from the quest line. If I kill them and get the loot and the shout from the lair it should be marked as "Finished", right? But it never does.

- Mods: I tried with "Deadly Dragons", I tried with "Enhanced Mighty Dragons" and I tried without both of them. I also got "PermaZONES" and "High Level Enemies" but they both shouldn't affect dragons.

- I got Dragonborn DLC. Same there: No Dragon at the lair, quest-realated appear. AFAIK there are no random dragons in Solstheim.

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Thanks for your reply!


- I only killed randomly appearing Dragons and the ones from the quest line. If I kill them and get the loot and the shout from the lair it should be marked as "Finished", right? But it never does.


Default non-modded behavior: The dragons don't just "hang out" at their lairs, they occasionally fly around in the region of their lairs and attack things. AFAIK this only happens during the daytime, unless a battle extends into the night. Many of those "randomly appearing" dragons you killed may have been the ones at the lairs, and once you kill them, they do not respawn; i.e. you may have killed them already. Mods might increase their aggressiveness, I just don't know for sure. Don't know for sure this is your problem, but I give it a good probability.

Edited by HalloweenWeed
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