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Would someone please...please port Joos' or TGs Armors over?


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Seriously, it's been 9 months and still no real proper tactical armor mods...unless you count the ridiculous amount of bewby armor, or what's his name that did Modern Firearms and embedded some stuff in that mod...which (OBTW) is no longer available on Nexus...and I refuse to DL from Beth.net.


And before you say it, I don't possess that particular skill, and honestly I just wrongfully assumed most of the NV stuff (especially some of the best, most popular and basic needs) would have made it over by now...but not body armor (and certain weapons) it seems.


In the event it needs to be said, Joos and TG need to be brought over to FO4 imo.


...and God knows FO4 needs it!


Somebody ready to be a hero?


As always, thank you for your attention community,



Edited by barbarossa2000
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Not gonna happen unless the original authors/creators give permission. Even if they do, it takes a fair bit of work (I can say for a fact that getting the new armors in MF to look right took us about a week, and we're still tweaking things, trying to fix clipping issues etc etc), so you're gonna be waiting a while longer anyway.


If the stuff from MF is "good enough" for ya, I might be able to upload the current Beth.Nutshot version to Dropbox and PM you the link - just say so.

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Thanks guys. Emotion probably getting the best of me. Of course there are rational explanations, but this whole iteration has been...overly frustrating.


Put 100+ hours into my new modded player home, fully functional with new mechanics, then realized I couldn't resolve certain bugs due to the settlement mechanic, and can't even get it running properly in my game...much less anyone else. Touched things I shouldn't have, can't find the mistake, had to set aside in the event fixes emerge.


Now, the one mod that saves my personal game (MF) has been taken down and moved. Of course I still have an older version, but alas...no armor in my version.


Just watching the majority garbage mods going up daily on this site is grinding on me.


Still...thanks again.

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