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Homemaker - Landscaping, Interior, Exterior and Vehicles Categories missing


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Hello everyone,


it's my second time for me asking you guys for help.

Thanks to "BlackRoseOfThorns" I was able to fix my last problem, which really was a stupid issue and I hope that maybe I'm just overlooking something and you could point it out.


The situation:

Initially I was missing the new decoration/showoff items from contraptions, so I got "ALL DLC Building independent patch; Any DLC - AnyMod Building" (got to delete Far Harbor Barn items - Homemaker patch, for it to work). It changed the building categories to a generally more pleasant structure, which I really approve of and even more important: I finally got access to the missing contraptions items.


The issue:

Although it seems that I had to trade in the Homemaker categories under Decorations. The Structeres from Homemaker (Brick Buildings, Bunkers, etc.) work all fine though, it's just the "Homemaker" category under "Decorations" with "Electronic equipment(?)" - "Landscaping" - "Exterior" - "Interior" - and/or "Vehicles" is missng (I remember having something like that before, four or five categories with Homemaker-Decoration items).


The question:

I tried switching back and fourth between the "ALL DLC Building independent patch" and individual homemaker patches (to avoid missing other integral structure categories), including some "missing category fixes", but that didn't work for me. So it seems that I'm stuck to choose between wether I want Homemaker Decor OR Everything from Contraptions DLC. Is there a solution for me to get both working?


Here's my plugin-list, extracted with LOOT:


Really looking forward a suggestion.
Thanks in advance.


Best regards,



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You don't have to allow LOOT to sort your mods. Once you click the sort button (there is a tooltip) then LOOT will display any errors. Eliminate all the errors. Also remember to check my description page and sticky notes. As noted, 1.36 is for 1.5.157 to 1.5.416 of Fallout 4. If you are using 1.6.3 of Fallout 4 then use 1.37. I will add a LOOT message so people know when they aren't installing the correct version.


With the Homemaker patch provided you will find most of the items in the Homemaker menus. Any item that used an SK v0.8 Keyword that was really a vanilla keyword will be found in the SKE menus. Any Homemaker item that's really a vanilla item that comes with Fallout 4 or the DLC is in the vanilla menu where it should be. I was working on a Homemaker patch update to eliminate the Homemaker menus so that you don't have to look in vanilla vehicles, SKE vehicles, and Homemaker vehicles, but due to real life that is on hold.


Otherwise if you use any other third party patches you will end up altering your vanilla menus and you will have so many conflicts it will be difficult to resolve them all without making your own patch with FO4Edit.

Edited by Sharlikran
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I did a complete reinstall of the game, and mods over the last few days. I not get a chance to play due to the latest game update, and F4SE not working due to it.


I used loot, and I do receive an error message that Homemaker in not compatible with Settlement Keywords Expanded version 1.37

When I get home, as F4SE has been updated, I will have a chance to check things out. As I am my load order may, or may not be correct, and if the error message is a big deal or not.

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You can still test things without F4SE. I only use Place Everywhere with F4SE. Just use the Fallout 4 launcher and go into the game.


EDIT: F4SE and Place Everywhere are updated for Fallout 4 1.6.9.


Now, in regards to the LOOT message. Remember that the idea behind SKE is that vanilla items are in the vanilla menu and SKE items are in the SKE menu. So messages like that indicate that the original authors file is still installed. The original file usually alters vanilla menus making things like the structures menu missing or making menus like the barns menu missing. When you install SKE you need to remember to check the first box for the Homemaker patches. Don't just check Streetlights use passive power or something like that, check the fist box which overwrites Homemaker.esm. Then if you feel you are missing items refer to the sticky posts on the SKE page where I explain that because of how the original SK v0.8 was developed in conjunction with Homemaker vanilla items that were moved to the Homemaker menus are now back in the vanilla menu where they belong. Then you have Homemaker items in the Homemaker menus, and the only confusing part is that some of the items that Homemaker placed in the vanilla menus for SK, had to be moved to the SKE menu.


This is an incomplete update but it's an example of where I am headed with the HM patch. Once completed there will be no Homemaker menu. You will go to the vanilla menu for vanilla items and for the rest of the Homemaker items you simply look where you expect them to be. Use it if you want because the only things that are incomplete for now are the post and pre war items. They are in the wrong menus because I'm not done sorting through 800 plus recipes yet.

Edited by Sharlikran
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I finally got everything reinstalled, and F4SE update.


Checked Homemaker with the latest SKE version. Everything seem's to be there, and I can find somewhat easley.

So the LOOT message is no big deal. I will check to see if I did check the box that overwrites Homemaker.esm, The error message makes me think I did not.

Edited by bill8872
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